Todays advice from the old farmer:* After seeing so much good news - TopicsExpress


Todays advice from the old farmer:* After seeing so much good news of new births, weddings, and great results from medical test. So with all those ,I shout PRAISE to God who is the giver of all good things. HOWEVER, there are a lot of friends who have suffered a horrible week with losing loved ones, unpleasant separations in marriage, and bad news from medical test. I want us to look at some things I think God wants us to remember when life is difficult... Weve all had days (and maybe even years) when life just doesnt seem to be going our way! I too have had long seasons of life where I felt like nothing was working and everything was out of whack, and I’ve had frustrating days where I just can’t seem to get anything accomplished. This morning was one of those times… I was getting dressed this morning for church and it really dawned on me that I was not having a good hip day. I really needed some pain killer of some kind but last thursday, the surgeon told me to stop taking the aleve until after surgery. You see, I went to the parts store last week and found a new hip that promises me some more mileage on this old body. So as I used to tell my kids, just suck it up, thats what I had to do this morning. If my dad had been sitting beside me in church this morning, he would have popped me on the head for squirming around. Couldnt find a spot that didnt hurt. Through it all however, we had a great Worship Service and I was able to enter His Courts shouting Praise and Thanksgiving. What an awesome God we have who showers us with His love and grace... Let me get back to where I wanted this to go. In the grand scheme of things, a stressful morning doesnt impact life or eternity all that much, but in those longer seasons of joblessness, sickness, financial stress, marriage strain and other ongoing life events, the stress and frustration can seem overwhelming. Below are some things Ive learned to remember in those challenging seasons of life that have helped me and I pray they help you as well! 1. Remember that your Character should always be stronger than your Circumstances. We cant always control what happens to us, but we can always control how we choose to respond. In those moments when I choose to stop complaining and instead give thanks to God for the good in my life, the parts that seem bad start to seem much less significant. Choose to keep a positive attitude and thankful heart regardless of what youre going through. * Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18... 2. Remember that your Struggles always lead to Strength. Every difficulty in your life, whether big or small, is something God will use to produce more strength, faith and perseverance in you if you let Him! All your pain has a purpose. *And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (This is my lifes verse) 3. Remember that God’s timing is always perfect. God’s plans are almost always different from our plans, but His plans are always perfect! Have the patience to wait on His timing instead of forcing your own. * For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11... 4. Remember that God will never leave your side. You may feel like youre going through this struggle all alone, but from the moment you ask Jesus to bring you into God’s family, He will be by your side to the end so never lose hope! *Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6... If anytime you need encouragement, please send me a PM and know that I have room on Sherry and my prayer list and that this old farmer loves you a bunch... A chocolate thought for today; .If dark chocolate is less fattening......Eat chocolate with the lights off... Check out the comments now for a huge Monday morning smile and a few laughs to battle the Monday humdrums...
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:13:37 +0000

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