Todays advice from the old farmer:* If you think youre life is - TopicsExpress


Todays advice from the old farmer:* If you think youre life is hard, it could be a lot worse. Appreciate what you have because life could always be better, but it could always get worse... * I accepted Jesus in my heart as my personal Savior for He washed all my sins and I am forever grateful for my salvation... * Its always best to have a positive outlook on life, its easy to see all the bad around you, but theres always good in the world, be thankful youre alive to breathe, to love, to laugh, and to enjoy all the wonders life has to offer... * Im thankful for every break in my heart, Im grateful for every scar, some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned... * Pray not only when you need something, but because you have a lot to be thankful for... * No one can have everything in this world, be thankful for what you have and accept what you dont have. Its only a matter of contentment... * Be grateful that you dont have everything you want. It means you still have an opportunity to be happier tomorrow than you are!.. * If you start becoming thankful for what you have, instead of complaining about what you dont, then happiness is the only emotion you will feel... * Be with someone who gives you a reason to wake up each day and thank God that you are still alive and who pushes you to be the best you can be in life... * Being blessed is not only something to thank God for, but it is a gift from God... * While youre breathing... someone, somewhere, is breathing their last breath... need anymore reasons to be thankful for life!.. * We are human. We are not perfect. We are alive. We try things. We make mistakes. We stumble. We fall. We get hurt. We rise again. We try again. We keep learning. We keep growing. And we are thankful for this priceless opportunity called life... * Be thankful for the morning light and the moonlight, for it reminds us that the beginning of everyday we are given the gift to shine bright but it is up to you to reflect from that gift and continue to shine through the darkness. Be the Sun and the Moon of your life. Please use it wisely... * Each day we live is a gift,so thank God in the morning for another day of life, and thank God in the evening for getting you through the day... * Life is a blessing, a thing from God, a great opportunity. So thank God for giving it to you. And live it while you can, and show God that youre worth it... * You need to be grateful for everything you have family, love, friendship. Dont let the things you do today lose what you might just need tomorrow... * Sometimes, I forget to thank the people who make my life so happy in so many ways. Sometimes, I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life. Today is just another day, nothing special going on. So thank you, all of you, just for being there for me and I love you all a bunch... * Now check out the comments for a special smile to finish out your workweek. I love the Mercer County Titans but this week I cant add you to the list of Go BoCo Rebels, Go Ads, and Go Cats. Stay the course Rebs...
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:55:36 +0000

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