Todays censorship of Brian Hookers work is extraordinary, - TopicsExpress


Todays censorship of Brian Hookers work is extraordinary, considering that the data used to write the paper was provided to Brian Hooker by a top CDC scientist who has now publicly admitted to committing scientific fraud that resulted in vaccines harming countless African-American children over the last twelve years. If anything, the new paper by Brian Hooker would help prevent harm among more African-American children. Yet the science journal somehow claims that Hookers study data is so incredibly dangerous that the mere READING of the abstract will constitute harm to the public. This is a crucial point to note in all this: The very foundation of modern-day vaccine mythology is so fragile that the industry is entirely unable to withstand scientific scrutiny. The mere asking of questions or publishing of CDC data is so dangerous to the vaccine industry that all such activities must be immediately and aggressively crushed. In observing this, I dare say that any science which cannot withstand scientific scrutiny is no science at all. This wholesale attempt by the CDC and the vaccine industry to crush skepticism and erase published papers is an outright admission that the vaccine industry is little more than a house of cards. No body of science grounded in solid evidence would ever fear a few honest questions from independent researchers. Scientific book burning What you are witnessing here is nothing less than a scientific book burning -- a deliberate effort to destroy and censor the science that the establishment doesnt want the public to see. It begs the question: What could be so dangerous in Brian Hookers analysis of CDC data that it merits an online book burning? The answer is that Hookers study isnt dangerous to the public but rather dangerous to the credibility of the CDC and the vaccine industry -- an industry steeped in criminal operations, money laundering, quack science and literal genocide. Learn more: naturalnews/046629_scientific_censorship_Brian_Hooker_science_journals.html#ixzz3BhobG7J9
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:40:33 +0000

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