Todays city life tale of true crime. We were heading to Publix to - TopicsExpress


Todays city life tale of true crime. We were heading to Publix to grab a carton of soup for lunch when we came upon a Nissan Sentra stopped in the middle of the road in from the East Lake YMCA. So we honked and stopped. Then noticed that this guy in the passenger seat was beating the absolute holy hell out of the woman driver. Kate was driving the truck, so we pulled around and peered in at them and he was pounding her like she was a punching bag. I called 911 and asked Kate to back up and I snapped a photo of her license plate. Because we were so close, the guy leapt out and started walking away after throwing some goodbye punches. We were worried he had a gun. He got out and we sized up his height, weight, and clothing ensemble. The woman opened her door and sort of leaned out. We pulled up and asked if she was okay. She didnt seem okay at all but said she was, closed the door, and drove away. The police came on the line and I told them the story complete with description of the low life scumbag lady-beater. They said that since the woman drove away and she was the victim, it wasnt a crime they would pursue. In the interim, we were following this huge loser. It was good I wasnt driving. Ill leave it at that. But REALLY? And here I thought that beating the crap out of someone was illegal, victim testimony or no.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:46:51 +0000

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