Todays comment. I set here on Facebook looking at posts of - TopicsExpress


Todays comment. I set here on Facebook looking at posts of people I only know slightly or not at all. They all have stories. I belong to a group called transplant survivors. If your a transplant recipient. A transplant caregiver or the family of a donor your life has been changed in ways that most people cant even imagine. Lets start with today. Took meds whos side effects make you feel like you have the flu for half the day only to realize tomorrow morning it will start all over. Second part of the day ordering medications for the next 90 days. Three of the 12 or so that I take everyday. Yes there expensive but unlike other patients I didnt have to decide what I wasnt going to pay so I could buy the pills that keep me alive. Lets jump back to this past weekend. Bowled in the Senior State Usbc event. Didnt bowl well at all. Wasnt happy at all. Meet a man and lady from close by. His wife set there with oxygen on suffering from the same thing that I had my transplant for. The gentleman told me they just about lost her a couple months ago. Was I feeling sorry for myself you bet. Until then . You see because of a gift I could bowl. I could set and talk to my friends about upcoming golf adventures. What I was going to do tomorrow. Everyday I wake in pain . I go to bed in pain. Im not looking for sympathy or even understanding. What Im looking for is for people not to be judgemental. You see no matter what a person looks like on the outside we as people dont have the slightest idea what that person is dealing with on the inside. Lets give each other the benifit of a doubt. That person in the handicap spot might look healthy but is struggling to walk those few feet without pain. That person using that food card might have to use it because they spent every cent they had to get medications for themselves or a loved one. Today if only for today look at that person in a different light. Imagine what they could very going thru instead of what you think they are. Have a blessed day my friends
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:21:24 +0000

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