Todays earlier post was amazing story of hope, courage and - TopicsExpress


Todays earlier post was amazing story of hope, courage and determination from an extraordinary family...thanks to Brett and Sam. As you have no doubt seen, I have made a conscious decision to pull back and not fight associations like the heart foundation or the DAA spokespeople but rather let YOU, the people on this page spread your own stories of transformation to others as this is the most powerful evidence that this way of LIVING is the way forward for so, so many. It is pointless fighting organisations that have nothing on their minds but $$$ and who employ people to write scandalous articles about you or your lifestyle choice in the media and call for you to be arrested, (yes some fella who has worked for kelloggs, and other multinational food companies did call for me to be arrested) whilst they continue to keep selling their products with a tick on them knowing full well that they are not the healthiest option. We also have so called experts sprouting advice that we should be eating low fat options and 6-8 serves of grain based foods per day for optimal health and more if you are pregnant! I am sure that anyone that has been on this page over the last year or two can affirm that by embracing the right types of FOODS that they can be MEDICINE for us and by consuming others in the amounts advised by these organisations can be a slow form of poison for many. It is with great joy and love that you allow me to share YOUR own personal stories and also to invite like minded health professionals to also share their own stories of success and up to date cutting edge research as this is how real change IS happening and will continue to grow by the time old method of WORD of MOUTH, thanks to the wisdom of crowds through social media and the like. Every day I am brought to tears reading the comments section of people reclaiming their health and that of their family by simple approaches. Our page is growing at a rate of 5000 - 10000 people per week now thanks to YOU, and Nic and I are truly humbled. Nothing will stop the momentum that you have helped to create and I am excited and optimistic for the future of all our kids and the coming generations and we and others have some great initiatives in place to reach people front he ground up! Today we are joined by an awesome health crusader and the first dentist we have had the pleasure of having post for you, and I reckon you you are gonna love him. His name is Dr Ron Ehrlich and it was a pleasure meeting him at our recent Paleo Way Tour in Sydney in July. Over to you Dr Ron…. Take Control – be the best you can be By Dr Ron Ehrlich BDS (Syd Uni) FACNEM (Dent) We live in challenging times. We’ve supposedly had our global financial crisis, although I don’t believe this issue has fully played out. We are in the midst of a global environmental crisis, which definitely hasn’t played out; it’s interesting to observe a scenario where scientific evidence is ignored for financial gain. We are also in the midst of a global health crisis, where our health system has in reality become a chronic disease management system. The result is an economic model generating billions of dollars for processed food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies and chronic disease management industries – while generating absolutely nothing for general good health. The common denominator across all three issues is the word ‘global’. I was recently invited to speak at the Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue in New Caledonia. How is it, you may well ask, that a dentist from Sydney ended up presenting at an international conference focused on strengthening the capacity of the Pacific regions future leaders to manage national and international challenges and navigate the future? I outlined what I consider to be the greatest challenges to our health and wellbeing in the 21st Century. As I see it these are twofold: Firstly is the pervasive influence of global processed food and pharmaceutical industries on public health messages, and what has sadly become a chronic disease management system. Secondly is the fact these two industries define not only what is healthy, and who is sick but they then manage the chronic disease they have helped create and promote. This is compounded by the ignorance of stakeholders - from the public and health practitioners through to professional organisations, regulatory bodies and even the government - to the unprecedented sophistication of the marketing and influence of these pharmaceutical and processed food industries. Examples of these subtle and effective marketing ploys are everywhere, and form part of our daily lives. The Heart Foundation for instance charges almost $50,000 per ‘tick’ to distinguish foods that are less harmful than others; most people assume a Heart Foundation tick means food is actually healthy – not the case. When the Australian Diabetes Council gives advice like….”Follow a healthy eating plan which is low in fat, particularly saturated fat, high in fibre and includes carbohydrates in each meal’, it ignores the impact this advice has had over the last 25 to 30 years on rates of diabetes and obesity. Both diseases have skyrocketed since this advice first hit our supermarket shelves, assuring people will indeed live with diabetes rather than preventing and curing it. On the NSW Cancer Council website you can even find a recipe for plum sponge pudding, which again is low fat but each serve contains 7.5 teaspoons of sugar. Every oncologist knows cancer cells love sugar, that’s why PET scans use radioactive glucose to detect cancer cells. My speech in New Caledonia concluded with the assertion that: publicly acknowledging this influence and forming organisations that focus on health and wellness, completely independent of commercial influence, is potentially the most urgent and weighty reform needed in modern society’s global health industry. For the past 30 years I have worked as a holistic dentist at the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre, and over this time my interest in nutrition has grown to become an integral part of my dentistry. I have been inspired by some of the world’s leading health experts and when I read Nora Gedgaudas’ “Primal Body Primal Mind”, I knew I had found a seminal book on nutrition. I felt her knowledge and passion for wellbeing was something that should be shared with the wider community, and I set about bringing her down to Australia. In 2012 through Nourishing Australia (which I co-founded and am a board member) Nora toured the country and the rest is history, as all of Pete’s followers know! Nora’s approach, ‘beyond paleo for better health and a longer life’ focuses on the bulk of our diet coming from aboveground vegetables, a moderate amount of protein (pasture fed and finished) and healthy fats. She also alerts us to the issues surrounding gluten for both mind & body, as well as introducing us to the potential problem of grains, which stimulate the production of a protein in the body called zonulin. Zonulin causes undigested proteins in our food to enter the bloodstream (also known as leaky gut) leading to autoimmune diseases. There are over 200 known autoimmune diseases and they are now the third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Following the remarkable success of Nora’s tour in 2012 I launched a one-day program of my own for the public called Simply Be Well. In it I examine health, wellness and disease from both a nutritional and environmental perspective, (food from soil to plate and the connections between mind and body), as well as the politics of public health and the chronic disease management system we currently have. It covers the five stressors that break us down: emotional, environmental, nutritional, postural and dental stresses. It also covers the five pillars of wellness that build us up: sleep, breathe, nourish, move and think. Today, alongside these public workshops I co-host a weekly podcast called “The Good Doctors - healthcare unplugged” with holistic GP Dr Michelle Woolhouse. The program looks at what we like to call, ‘good health’ and we cover a wide range of topics from ADHD and understanding BMI to iodine deficiency and PMT. We discuss these issues with health experts in each field, guests on the show have included Professor Marc Cohen, from RMIT Melbourne (wellness and environmental toxic truths), paediatrician Dr Leila Masson (ADHD and autism) and Grant Schofield a Professor of Public Health at Auckland University of Technology. We recently interviewed one of my all-time heroes South African environmentalist, Allan Savory who champions a holistic approach to restoring the health of our land and ultimately, our planet. Today I want to leave you with something Alan said which resonated deeply with me: “If you are expecting the change to come from above you’ll be disappointed. Large organisations are slow to accept new information, often lack common sense and humility. The change has got to come from the ground up”. With this is mind, take control of your own health and try to be the best you can be. Be well:) Dr Ron Ehrlich drronehrlich/ Sydney Holistic Dental Centre - The Good Doctors weekly podcast - BTW if you are free on Wednesday 19 November at 7.00pm you could come and listen to Mouth to Mouth - breathing more life into your life and our health system at Elixr Gym in Bondi Junction. ( Its a similar theme to the talk I gave at the Emerging Pacific Leaders Dialogue and sets the tone for my own wellness program. Its about the urgency of taking control of your own health. Thanks Dr Ron…bloody legend! Oh and I promised I would announce the next stop on the tour and it is….. CAIRNS! Please help spread the word to far north Qld as we are coming in feb/march as part of the Learn to cook the Paleo Way tour and we can’t wait to see my fellow Queenslanders…hopefully we can catch some coral trout or mud crabs for me to cook with on stage. hint, hint! Tomorrow we will post a delicious seafood recipe and we are announcing something very special for you all that we have been working on for the last 2 years which is going to shake things up a a good way! The information on this page is general information and should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Do not use the information found on this page as a substitute for professional health care advice. Any information you find on this page or on external sites which are linked to on this page should be verified with your professional health care provider. Pete Evans does not make any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information set out on this page, and shall not have any liability for any misrepresentation (express or implied) contained in, or for any omissions from, the information on this page. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury whether based upon consumer law, negligence or any other cause of action.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 04:18:37 +0000

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