Todays events: October 16th Kyle and I have been preparing to - TopicsExpress


Todays events: October 16th Kyle and I have been preparing to move from Anza back in with his parents due to Kyle losing his job back in August and we had been in San Jacinto for the past week staying with them bc Kyle had some handyman work in Hemet. (Extra money needed to help us move). We were driving up hwy 74. Him in the 91 Honda Civic following behind me in our 92 Explorer, bc I was hauling a trailer, so we could load it and move. I was in the explorer bc I dont know how to drive a stick and it was my first time hauling any kind of trailer, so Kyle gave me a short lesson before we headed up the hill around 10:30 am, we got all the way to Howard off the 371 Hwy just seconds from our home in Anza. When a black Chevy pickup truck was speeding about 60 mph in and out of traffic and passing on a double yellow and I had just turned off onto the dirt road at Howard where there was three Caltrans trucks doing dirt leveling right off Howard, as I tried maneuvering around the construction, I hear tires screeching and a huge crash than something rear-ended the back of trailer, which was my family hitting the back finder of the trailer, I was hauling. I put the explorer in park and ran as fast as I could to my family. As Im running over Kyle is yelling, Babe! Kyles door was jammed an he smashed the window to climb out and I ran to Alexis who was right behind Kyle and the closest to me. I tried opening the door as both my babies are screaming hysterically and I realize Alexiss door is jammed and her window is shattered so I unbuckled her and realized her leg was crammed into her stomach and her foot was bent into her leg from the impact and smashed into the back of Kyles driver seat and I pulled her out and passed her over to my husband who was yelling with blood gushing from the back of his head and cuts and blood everywhere taking off after the other driver. As I dashed over to Jackson whos door was thankfully accessible and pulled him out and took both babies to the passenger side of the explorer where I held both of them with Jackson sitting in Lexis lap and the three of us hugging each other(making a sandwich out of sweet Jackson) as we just embrace each other with flowing tears. As I look across through my driver window, a Caltrans worker tells me 911 has been called and they are on their way. Kyle practically taking off up the road to ripe the driver from their car, as she makes her way towards the scene. She was a lady (just 3 years younger than my mother-in-law) starts trying to argue with my husband about not having a blinker on and he corrects her by saying yes I did. I have children in the car. She stopped arguing right away when she realized there were children involved. While Im still attending to the kids I realize I cant get Lexi calmed down for anything, I tried everything, when I realized she had shards of broken glass in her diaper from her window being shattered, so one of the witnesses helped me pull the kids diaper bag out of the demolished car, so I could get her out of her diaper. From all the commotion from handling my babies I look over and the paramedics have my husband on a flat board and are laying him down to put a neck brace on him. I asked the two wonderful ladies that were there as witnesses to help me hold the kids while I tried to help my husband and see what I needed to do in order to get the other drivers insurance information and he asked me to find his glasses and phone. I ended up finding his phone on the passenger side (which I had to climb through the jammed driver door window to get but no sight of his glasses. I glanced over to the left of me to see my sunglasses and my daughters sippy cup about 50 ft away from the car. They were thrown from impact. The paramedics recommended taking all three of them in the ambulance and having them checked for further injuries. My husband in a neck brace and my two hysterically crying babies buckled in and ready to go. I stayed back and got the womans information and one of the fire fighters headed back to my house to help mr drop off my trailer, so I could get down off the hill, so I could join my family. Literally the longest one hour drive Ive ever had to make. I had to keep reminding myself to not speed and get there safely (multiple times using cruise control to help me not gas the peddle). Once I got there Kyle literally said they were there maybe 5 mins before I showed up. I ran into the ER and was meet by a security guard who had to get permission to let me go back and while I waited my mother-in-law ran in. I emotionally collapsed in her arms and cried as I tried explaining the accident when the security guard let me back and when I got back to my family Alexis was the first one I could see and there she was alert and cuddling a teddy bear that the hospital gave her and than I could see Kyle and than my boy hugging his new teddy bear and his favorite stuffed toy, BroBee, a little scared and shokin up but there was my beautiful family, I thought I had lost just an hour and half before. Thank you Jesus for having your arms around that car!!! The babies were discharged and Kyle was taken in for a Cat-scan and than was stapled. :/ 6 to the back of his head. Looking at our car and realizing what exactly happened is amazing bc without Gods hand over this my family wouldnt have made it. The lady impacted from the rear end and the car crumpled up as far as the back window, no further (where my babies were) and when the car hit they spinned two times before hitting the passenger side door with the back of the trailer I was hauling. Had that hit any further back of the car Jackson would have been in Alexiss lap!! Thank you Jesus!!! I owe you everything once again, how am I ever supposed to repay you for all you do for me each and everyday! Counting my blessings and taking it in! Life is too precious to waste one single moment! Bc in just one single moment it could all be gone! Thank you for all the amazing prayers!!!! You all have showed us so much love!!! Thank you with all our love and graduated the Hulls (Im sure Im missing some important information but its a little after 11pm. Time to try and fall asleep. Again thank you)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 06:26:45 +0000

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