Todays gospel is about self-denial and the taking up of cross - TopicsExpress


Todays gospel is about self-denial and the taking up of cross (Matthew 16:21-26). What are we going to deny? We have to deny ourselves from the desires for honor, glory, attraction and respect. We buy expensive cars, houses, apparels and gadgets to be respected. We socialize and join sports and competitions to be honored. We excel to be glorified. We alter our body to become attractive. We call all these as self-fulfillment. Our desire or motive defines our actions. And what does a cross mean? Cross is a symbol of commitment to obey God. Obedience to God is obedience to the teachings of Jesus. Taking-up of cross means holding firm to our beliefs to Jesus and no matter what happens we have to remain and keep his teachings. Time will come that we will be injected with microchip and no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. Time will come also that one world government and one world religion will be established. This will happen because a certain group of people is creating a problem, letting the public to react and this same group offers a solution. And the solution is to reduce the population to control the world. Are we ready to remain in Jesus if these things happen? God bless everyone!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 02:57:27 +0000

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