Todays installment of the course Why You Should Cherish People - TopicsExpress


Todays installment of the course Why You Should Cherish People With Autism: Relationships. Therell be a test at the end of it. Many of us (those with autism) have a bit of a problem with social stuff in general and relationships in particular, be it professional ones, family relationships, platonic friendships, or amorous relationships (yes, we love those too, were only human). Its actually pretty hard for us to get involved in relationships of any kind. As a result, we cherish the ones we have, exactly because we have so few of them and we know its hard to start a new one. As a result of *that*, the item at the very top of our list of core values is LOYALTY. When you invite us to your summer backyard BBQ, well come, and some of us will leave early because crowds usually arent our thing. But if we stay, we stay till the very end. Your non-autistic friends will probably leave once all the food and beer is gone, but well stick around to help you with cleaning up and the dishes. Because for us, loyalty means taking the bad stuff with the good stuff. When your life suddenly goes down the drain, youll find out very quickly how many friends you really have. Trust me, your friends list will be decimated almost instantly. Then, when you look up from that drain pipe you ended up in and see hands reaching out to pull you out of it, youll find your autistic friends at the other end of the arm. Because for us, loyalty means taking the bad stuff with the good stuff. If your life turns into war, well be right there beside you, and if you go down, well carry you off the battlefield. Like the Marines, we dont leave our friends behind. Because to us, loyalty is a core value. We dont demand anything, but we do very, very much appreciate it if you return the favour: dont just show up for the good times, but also be there in the bad times. Which, sadly, is rare. It happened to me last Saturday when a young lady showed true character and loyalty, but that was the only occurrence in at least six months, probably longer. Today is one of those bad times, after I was treated like shit by someone who I thought was a dear friend. Which means that today is a great opportunity for all of you to show what type of friend you are: the fun-and-games variety, or the variety that still knows the true meaning of loyalty and friendship. And now, if you will excuse me: I have to go tell my employer that I resign my commission (effective immediately) and then Im going to do the only thing theres left to do: get completely drunk and see if the cavalry will arrive.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:30:38 +0000

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