Todays mayhem in Paris just shows the folly of the European - TopicsExpress


Todays mayhem in Paris just shows the folly of the European countries in allowing free immigration from their erstwhile colonies which are predominantly Muslim. The civilised Europeans didnt take into account that all the elements which go into making a vibrant democracy and a culture of free thinking like critiquing religions , questioning taboos and holy cows , puncturing pomposity through irreverant cartoons , all these would act as red rags to the proverbial bull who would make up the increasing demographic comprising the successive generations of those initial immigrants. These parasites soak up the doles handed out by the welfare state , do not possess a shred of loyalty to the country of their birth or adoption but want such countries to shed their glorious traditions of rationality and enquiry in order to cater to the totems of a closed belief system which has stopped questioning itself since the 7th century and hasnt produced a single reformer in the mould of a Martin Luther or Rammohun Roy , since all such incipient reformers were probably despatched as apostates even before they could properly enunciate their message.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:35:45 +0000

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