Todays news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Stop Being - TopicsExpress


Todays news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Stop Being Defensive: Democrats “have to stop being defensive” about the Affordable Care Act and aggressively call out Republican governors in more than 20 states who have refused to expand Medicaid, Sen. Bernie Sanders told the Rev. Al Sharpton during an interview Monday on MSNBC. “We have got to tell every governor out there who was denying people the right to have health care that they`re doing a terrible, terrible thing. We`ve got to start turning the tables on them,” Sanders said. The health care law, Sanders stressed, lets states cover more people at no cost to the states. Thank You: Sen. Sanders’ Facebook page has the greatest level of engagement in Congress, according to The Washington Post. Sanders “has one of the largest and most enthusiastic social media followings out there,” according to the article, which called it “astonishing” that nearly 30 times as many people were talking about Sanders on Facebook on Monday compared to Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republicans’ 2012 candidate for vice president. Also on Monday, Sanders won a “Gold Mouse” award from the Congressional Management Foundation for his use of social media to keep constituents informed, The Hill reported. Older Americans: Negotiations have stalled over a Senate bill to reauthorize programs that provide social and nutrition services for seniors, Congressional Quarterly said. Sen. Sanders opposes a proposed change which would significantly cut funding in some states. That just does not make any sense to me at all, said Sanders, who has proposed increased funding for Older Americans Act programs like Meals on Wheels. VA in Phoenix: Speaking at a news conference in the Philippines, President Barack Obama pledged to get to the bottom of allegations that a Veterans Affairs Department hospital in Phoenix tried to cover up delays in service that led to as many as 40 veterans’ deaths. Sen. Sanders, chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, said his panel will hold a hearing after the completion of an independent investigation, according to The Washington Post online and the Phoenix New Times. The allegations coincide with Saturday’s opening of a new Phoenix-area clinic that is expected to serve thousands of veterans, The Associated Press said. Continue reading here:
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 13:14:02 +0000

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