Todays presentations went well when my Dad and I after we got on - TopicsExpress


Todays presentations went well when my Dad and I after we got on the right trek. We were running a little late this morning so we checked the day planner to see what time we had to be there which made us panic because we realized that we were farther behind then we first thought. We get to the first school only to find out we are there on the wrong day so then we head to the second where we believed were supposed to be. Just after we parked my dad gets a call from a third school to ask if we were on our way still. Because we were not too far from that school my told him we could be there in 5 minutes so we make our way to that school. Then when we got there to discover we already presented to this class and that they wanted a plant tour. It was a nice tour but is sure was bloody cold. We took them for a short tour along some of the trails at Royal Roads. My Dad and I shared about the snowberry because one of the students asked if they were safe to eat. I talked about what parts are poisonous as well as that hummingbirds like the flowers. My dad shared about how the berries can be used as a medicine for itchy skin. Then he talked about why some trees are burnt only at the base, after he told the creation of trees story. To finish his part of this presentation he shared about cougars then I finished with how to make blackberry tea. I suggested to my Dad that we had better go back to the second we went to and cross check our day planner with the teacher there so we are all on the same page. Which turned out to be a good idea because the class I had thought was postponed, was still scheduled for today. So we had a scheduled improptu plant tour this afternoon in a different section of Royal Roads. I talked about salal then told the Saanich flood and the tea that can be made from the bark. My Dad shared about why Douglas fir has such thick bark and why the one we stopped at had the burn marks. Then he shared some of the Saanich uses of the bark. To end his taught them about life logs and their importance to the forest and the creatures that life in that forest. I was leading the group to a nice spot to tell a couple of stories when one of the asked John, do you know the name of that plant? and does it have any uses?. I giggle to myself because it was the snowberry plant. As we gather around the plant a couple of the made the comment that the cluster berries look like popcorn. So I told them about how poisonous the berries are for humans to eat and that it is only used on the skin to cure itchness of curtain condictions. To finish the tour I told the creation of the killer whale and the bird song story. At the end of both presentations we asked the usual questions about what shared and when they gave the correct answers we gave them temperory tattoo.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:50:22 +0000

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