Todays promise: God cares for the persecuted Have You Ever - TopicsExpress


Todays promise: God cares for the persecuted Have You Ever Wished You Could Flee? Oh, how I wish I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness. How quickly I would escape — far away from this wild storm of hatred. Psalm 55:6-8 NLT Nothing great was ever done without much enduring. Catherine of Siena Resist flight David was a man after Gods own heart and a great, anointed king. But in many ways, he was just like us. Psalm 55 is an example. When the pressure was on, David just wanted to run away. All of us have had similar urges. When life gets intense and troubles seem to offer no way out, we just want to get out of the situation. Every Christian who has been prepared by God and stretched to his or her limits can relate: There are times when we would do anything if God would just remove us from our trial. Well pray for ways of escape, but God often leaves us surrounded until His time is right. God has no scorn for such feelings. He made us and He knows our frailties. He understands our impulse to flee from whatever difficulties we face. But He also insists on our endurance, because it has spiritual results that nothing else can accomplish. And there is no way to learn endurance other than simply to endure. We cant learn it in principle or in theory; only pain can teach it to us. The good news for those who go through intense trials and suffering is that once the impulse to flee is broken, God delivers. When endurance is complete, God removes the tribulation we endured. Every fear is followed by blessing (Psalm 55:4-8, 16-18). Our God does not leave us in our troubles. He has put us there to discover His provision; He will not withhold it indefinitely. There will be a day of deliverance. The Heartbeat of Jesus Father, I want those you have given me to . . . see . . . the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. John 17:24, NIV Before the foundation of the world was laid, God, in His divine sovereignty, planned to send His own Son to the cross to be our Savior. Before the beginning of time and space and human history, He took counsel with Himself and decided to bring us into existence, knowing full well that we would rebel against Him and become separated from Him by our sin. So He made preparations for our redemption-preparations that were finished once and for all time at the cross. The heartbeat of Jesus was to finish His Fathers plan and, in so doing, bring glory to God. In other words, through His own death on the cross, Jesus would reveal the love of God in such a way that people throughout the ages would praise Him and love Him and lay down their lives before Him. So He embraced the cross and all that it meant. TODAYS ENCOURAGING WORD - 3/14/2014 I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So dont be troubled or afraid. --John 14:27, NLT
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:06:15 +0000

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