Todays reading: Acts 19-20. As Paul made his way back to - TopicsExpress


Todays reading: Acts 19-20. As Paul made his way back to Jerusalem after spending three months in Corinth (Acts 20:3), he came to Troas once again, and “we stayed for seven days” (20:6) – that word we tells us that Luke was once more traveling with the others on the mission team. On Sunday they had a meeting in a well-lit upstairs room: and Paul went on speaking till the middle of the night (20:7-8). A young man named Eutychus was sitting in the window, and he dozed off during the service – making him the patron saint, I guess, of all who have ever fallen asleep in church. He fell out the window to the ground three floors below, and was picked up dead. Paul came down, picked the young man up in his arms, and reassured everyone that Eutychus was indeed still alive: and so it proved to be, much to everyones relief. Meanwhile, Paul got something to eat, and then went back upstairs and kept discussing the gospel till dawn (20:10-12). Get distracted from the lesson by an accidental death and a resurrection? Not Paul! They sailed on to Miletus, where Paul met with the elders of the church of Ephesus. He told them that “as a captive to the Spirit” he was on his way to Jerusalem, not knowing exactly what was going to happen, but that the Holy Spirit had revealed to him that “imprisonment and persecutions are waiting for me” there (20:22-23). That would have discouraged many people – Im pretty sure it would have discouraged me! – but Paul insisted that this mere earthly life is not worth fussing over: the main thing is to fulfill the ministry we receive from the Lord Jesus, testifying of Gods grace (20:24). What would that be like, to consider that fulfilling Gods calling was so much more important than escaping from persecution? Grant us courage, O Lord! We are so quickly afraid, and thus so quick to turn aside from anything that might be a little dangerous: and so we are ever in danger of missing out on the opportunity you would give us to testify of your grace – the grace that can change the world for someone who hears that testimony.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 09:00:00 +0000

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