Todays reading lessons lessons,to learn a lesson can be hurtful - TopicsExpress


Todays reading lessons lessons,to learn a lesson can be hurtful but at the same time enjoyable once you see the bigger picture.its time for you to see the truth and be yourself and not someone else in a situation.a lot of people say if I was this person what would this person do,although placing a positive figure or role model to model yourself after sometimes can cause confusing ,because everyone has there journey in life and there challenges your journey is different from others ,others make there choices based on there experiences and depending on there understanding of things,youre not them you are yourself and what makes others happy might not make you happy..who you are today is different from who you where yesterday.some people grow some people choose to not grow its free will.some are jealous of others growth and would do anything to stop can not force someone to grow it is not your responsilabity .Some even choose to self sabotage there own happiness and repeat the same cycle over and over again..its not your fault do not feel bad or sorry its free will ,it will come a time in there life where they will be upset at themselves for letting other and there selves for controlling them and keeping them back .so smile and be happy for you are good you did the work to give them the best even though they didnt accept there will be others who will flock to you who will replace them and appreciate everything you do and who you are and those whom you tryed to help will be jealous and upset because someone else is taking there place.and dont worry about the time and energy you spent with trying to improve things and people god and the universe sees all and you will be rewarded with more blessing then you can never worry that you waisted your time on a situation it will come back to you triple fold.all gossip and rumors are coming to an end about you those who rumored and gossip about you will be put to shame because of your good deeds and sacrifices that you have made selfishly. So smile be polite you have gain victory over matter and dont let the jealous people put you down because they will try and thats how you will know whos jealous of you and has been jealous of you for along time is coming your way embrace it use it wisely and save.well god bless everyone and have a beautiful day
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:38:21 +0000

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