Todays sermon at Cross Point Community Church - a new series - TopicsExpress


Todays sermon at Cross Point Community Church - a new series called SUMMER HEAT - was about "Anger". Let me just share with you how easy it is to "miss" misguidance and how sneaky the devil & his minions work. Now I am not one to blame the devil on every little thing that happens or goes wrong I do however know and learned that the devil only has one goal in mind ONE: "To keep you away from God" and he uses every little tiny way to do so. This morning I was so tired - I just wanted to sleep a bit more however knew if I didn`t get up I was going to miss church. Checking on my youngen who was still sleeping I decided to lay back down and simply take it easy. 20 minutes later I sat up, looked at the clock and remembered that I was meeting my oldest (who has stayed at her friends house) at church. So running around a bit crazy and still half asleep and rushed, we jumped in the car and made it to church with just a few minutes past. And todays sermon about ANGER was something I certainly am grateful I didn`t miss. You, too, should check it out at crosspointknightdale , past sermons are posted on our website and so worth listening to them and checking them out. I for one am glad I didn`t give in this morning to the "you deserve to sleep in voice" and instead followed the "get up and go now" prompt I felt. Here is what I want you to take away - wether you listen to the sermon or not know that ANGER though a human and normal emotion is pure poison when not dealt with. It poisons your spirit first, then your heart and the ripple effects have such tremendous outreach into your life, your relationship, your selfworth, your family and friends and even acquaintances and everyone you come in contact with, including your walk with God. Don`t let it destroy your life one minute at a time. Deal with anger and more importantly the cause of it. Remember 2 things - In your anger, do NOT sin. And get rid of it as quickly as possible. If you want to know more, well you can always listen to the sermon ;) or ask me how :) (I am merely a student of Christ but gladly share what I am learning continuously) Praise be to God to never get tired of working on me and change me into whom he knows I can be.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 18:36:04 +0000

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