Todays walk about lent itself to neighborhood business, all - TopicsExpress


Todays walk about lent itself to neighborhood business, all located in a scattering few blocks from my apartment, mixed among residential lots. The first is an empty lot/building that I think would be perfect for Davids automotive instruction class! A little shop, and a big covered work area - there is even a pit with a ladder to change oil. Then not far from that I came across this gorgeous home, gated with ornate stone and tile work and lush tropical plants galore - and these homes are many throughout La Paz. Emma and I kind of laid low today, after our 3 hours at the beach, we were pretty tired. I did the housewife chores while she zoned out on the cool tile floor. But boredom eventually sets in and I get a little puppy face under my elbow with the sad eyes saying, can we go outside now? So we walked about a mile one way, found a little corner produce market - bought a pineapple and cantelope for all of 35 peso ($2.71) and made our way home to water bowl and pitcher... 100 in the high spot of the day, that was enough for both of us! But I found a little stationary store... nicely painted and potted plants adorned next to this lovely humble home (complete with paint buckets... they all have them!) Down the street is the Automotive Lube store - they have a big gated work yard across the street, which actually is the back wall in my backyard! So after a few hours of chilling in the dark apartment (ceiling lights start to look like the sun!) I opened the doors and windows to let the summer night air breeze in and take some of the heat out.. oh yeah, its 10:15 and now 90... haha! Emma loves this time of night - she lays just outside the door, gnawing on whats left of a huge knuckle bone we brought from home. Its smaller than an tennis ball by now, enjoying the breeze and night sounds. Then I opened the window in the bedroom, which faces the street and wow! I saw lights in homes I did not see during the day! My last photo of the day... Say hello to the night, and to the hill people! I have no idea how they get to their homes, or that there were so many! I could even see stars. I hope they show up on your end... just a few. The whole view from my window was very warm, with a sense of belonging. Community. Kinda of made me feel at home. Good night Hill People on Guadalupe Victoria, Colina de la Cruz, en la ciudad La Paz, Mexico. Dios te bendiga! (God Bless!)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 04:32:04 +0000

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