Todays winter camping tip for the day is all about setting up your - TopicsExpress


Todays winter camping tip for the day is all about setting up your tent. I cant tell you how many tv shows on camping and survival that Ive seen. Where the they insist on setting up their tent or shelter on top of the snow. Honestly how dumb can they really be? Because that is absoulutly the worst thing you could do. I mean think about it. At what point do they think that they are not going to get cold? Only when the snow is so deep, and I mean really DEEP, should you ever set up on top of the snow. Even when I attended Opik (BSA winter camping/survival school) in Boundry Waters, we dug down to the ground. And that was as much as 5ft at times. The ground will help keep you warm more than the snow. Its still cold and you still have to lay down a good ground bed as a barrier but it is always better than sleeping on a block of ice/ snow. So on that note heres your Winter Camping Tip for the day. This may go alittle long but it is important imformation to know. When out in the snow or somtimes not, covered woods ,always dig down to the bare ground. A snowshoe, your slead, a cook pot, or a big piece of bark/firewood can be used as a shovel if you didnt bring one. Dig a spot big enough for your shelter plus a little extra for a cause way. Pile the dug snow up around the spot to use as a wind break. Also when camping with a tarp, it makes a good wind screen for your fire. Then lay your ground barrier. This can be almost anything, pine boughs, leaves, a heavy ground sheet or a combination of all three. Once done set up your shelter on top of the ground bed. Free standing tents are best but you can anhcor your lines in the snow with cross sticks. Simply place a long stick thru the loop on your line then bury it in the snow horizontly, this should hold it. Once shelter is up place the secret element inside your shelter on the floor under your bag/ blankets. Whats the secret element you ask? Simple. Cardboared. Yep just plain cardboard that you can get at your local grocery store, furniture store, or big box store just for the asking. Cut it in rectangle pieces to the size of the bottom of your sled . Oh if your smart youve loaded all your gear on a sled to make for easyer transport thru the snow, a cheap plastic one will due. Anyway the cardboared will help insulte you from the ground along with the ground bed under your tent. It sounds like alot of work but you will be amazed how well this method works. Ive walked around in tents barefoot when this trick was used. And when you break camp you can take the cardboared to the next spot. Also after picking up your shelter you will notice that the ground under it is thawed out from your body heat. Imagine what that would have been like if you would have set up on top of the snow. You would not only have slept cold but wet also. And getting wet is what? Thats right, BAD! This tip as ran alittle long but I cant stress enough how important laying a good ground bed for your winter camp is for your comfort and enjoyment in your Backyard Outdoors. This has been your Winter Camping Tip for the Day.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 01:46:36 +0000

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