Todays word- Speak forth the rivers of living waters. As I was - TopicsExpress


Todays word- Speak forth the rivers of living waters. As I was praying in the presence of God I had seen a vision of bank of river where there was a heavy waterfall. Then this waterfall began fading and it had slowly become dry and a few people had come to watch it but to their amazement they didn’t expect to see that there was a heavy waterfall because the river was dry. Then I had a vision of rocky kind of mountains and as I saw it this scripture (Romans 8:19) had flashed across my mind the creation eagerly waits for the revealing sons of God. Then there was some athletes who were riding their sports bicycle and the land that they were riding were barren and dry though it was so hot and the roads werent that good yet still they had to cycle. Later I saw the land that was barren trees began to grow and waters began flowing in the river once again and also these cyclists were riding on the good roads. The Father says that it was his will to see the rivers of living waters to flow. It was his will to see that people should drink from it as he longs for that. The vision that I had mentioned earlier “that there was some athletes who were riding their sports bicycle and the land that they were riding were barren and dry” according to this vision the Father showed me that there were people who are still in wilderness and then I had seen a man coming out and speaking forth for the rivers of living waters. The Father says this “ Speak forth the rivers of living waters to happen and it shall happen. Sometimes I never do things on my own without revealing things to my servants. You have my power in you so command forth the rivers of living waters to flow as you do this I will send my angels”. The Father is waiting on you to do this. Some of you will be doubting weather how can we speak. The Father says I had commanded Moses to speak forth to the rock that the waters will flow I didn’t ask him to strike I had told him to speak (Numbers20:8). Jesus Lord has turned water into wine (John 2). Likewise the Father also says this to you to command, declare and decree forth the rivers of living waters to flow and it shall flow. The Father spoke to me according to the above vision that I had shared that “a few people had come to watch it but to their amazement they didn’t expect to see that there was a heavy waterfall because the river was dry” here in this vision they couldn’t click snap shots as the river was dry so as you speak forth for the rivers of living waters people will come and drink from it and they will be blessed through you. Just like how the Father made Abraham a father of many nations and that people across all over the nations will bless him. Just like how the rich men presented gifts when Jesus Lord was born. So in the same manner the Father will use you to be a blessing to them. Then I had seen some people who came to that river and had started drinking. The people who were drinking were broken hearted, rejected, lame, blind with other disease and as they were drinking it they had begun to taste the love of the Lord Jesus. The same love which Jesus Lord had for his people when he was here 2000 years ago. The Father says that he is a God of the rivers of living waters and the rivers of the living waters is Jesus and as these people will drink from it they will know how the mighty triune God (The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit) loves them. So speak forth the rivers of the living waters and even as you do this the Father will send his angels. The harvest is plenty but the laborers are less (Mathew 9:37)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 18:48:32 +0000

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