Todayss 3 Major BELIEF SYSTEMS - Which belief system best - TopicsExpress


Todayss 3 Major BELIEF SYSTEMS - Which belief system best describes your views? > MODERNISM - This is the popular secular belief system today. Most scientist follow it and it started with Darwinism. Its a belief that religion and spirituality are superstition, not based in fact; that humans are smart animals who are in control of their own fate-destiny. Here, truth is only what you can prove and verify with senses. Humanity can advance towards its own glorious future. There is no need for belief in God. > THEISM - Is the belief system of most god-centered religious people. The belief is that God created mankind, we are sinful by nature, we need God, reason is necessary but insufficient for understanding all of is necessary. Humans are not advancing towards a glorious future. We are merely following Gods plan until the end times. There is a universal is God and his commandments. > POSTMODERNISM - This is the new, developing, belief. The beliefs are: reason cannot lead to an absolute truth. What we currently call truth was made up by someone to control us. There are many versions of truth...relative to you perspective, culture and goals. They believe truth is created, not discovered. Thus, objective reality is a myth. Progress is a code word for Modernist to justify the domination by European culture of other cultures. Humans are cogs in a social machine. There is a God or spiritual world...but everyone is free to pursue their own beliefs...because there are many paths to God / salvation.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 02:44:03 +0000

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