Todayt I hit a PR I am very proud of: 105# Power Snatch x 3 (40# - TopicsExpress


Todayt I hit a PR I am very proud of: 105# Power Snatch x 3 (40# PR) I felt real good after the WOD today and decided to take my time like I do most days and spend extra time working on my weaknesses (They are too numerous to list) Today was overhead squat stability, Squat snatch form and the overall snatch movement overall. They are movements that incumpse what I have found to be my nuerological nightmare. Once I hitted what I wanted to hit, I decided to go for something brand new to me: A One rep max power Snatch, having no idea where I would go. Obiously I crushed my expectations for the day. Whay really did it for me, however was the feeling that I got afterward. It is a feeling that only further cemented my belief that crossfit is a true blessing from God to prove that I am capable of truly anything and there is no end to my work capacity and capabilities. At birth God blessed me with my stroke and its consequences not to hinder my life, but to use it to glorify him. I now firmly believe that crossfit is the vehicle in which I am meant to do that. Crossfit is much more than just a hobby or something I do, It is my way of proving to myself, others and God that I am capable of anything with this true gift of life I have been given and glorify Him. With it, I have finally found a place, where I belong. A place that I am constantly able to improve and overcome. It is a place where I have finally found others outside of my family that push and raise me up, rather than push me down. Todays PR, like so many of the others is much more than a number to me. I really just want to thank all my flesh and blood family, and my crossfit family (coaches, friends and fellow competitors and overcomers) for helping me overcome the improbable everyday. It truly would not b possible without you. In Conclusion, This is only the beginning!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 21:17:55 +0000

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