Today’s Bible Verse: 25 November, 14 Tuesday Apostle - TopicsExpress


Today’s Bible Verse: 25 November, 14 Tuesday Apostle Paul says, “…I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship” (Romans 12:1). In Christ Dear Brothers and Sisters, Shalom. If so, how can we offer ourselves as living sacrifices? The answer has been given by our gracious Lord Jesus Himself: If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me” (Luke 9:23). The Lord says that the person who hates the worldly pleasures, vagaries, whims and fancies, lusts, greed for riches and follows Him taking up his cross, is the ‘Living Sacrifice!’ God will change him into a man of mercy! When you visit Jerusalem, the Guide will show you 14 different points (Stations of the Cross) at which the Lord Jesus paused while carrying His bitter Cross. A Polish artist has painted a portrait showing the Lord Jesus Christ bearing the cross and hundreds of Polish youth carrying the cross cheerfully and following Him. People who view that portrait are moved and they take a vow: “Lord Jesus, who gave up Your life for me, Fountain of mercy, I will follow only You, carrying my Cross and offering myself as a living sacrifice.” The Lord shows His mercy to such people and grants them this virtue. They become blessed through His mercy. Yes! When we, as living sacrifices to God, offer ourselves as His ministers who spread His love to the people, we are honored by Him as He has Himself promised in Isaiah 43:4 “Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.” The Lord Jesus said: “The One (The Father) who sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, for I always do what pleases Him (John 8:29). In the same way, God is with us when we submit ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice; we receive His affection and mercy; at the same time, we receive the love of the people through His ministry. So my dear brothers and sisters, let us keep our eyes always fixed on the Lord! Surrender our lives in the hands of God with the prayer, “O Lord, I give my life into Your hands as a living sacrifice. I will ever follow You, bearing the Cross.” His mercy will gush into you and me, streaming forth from His five wounds. His presence and people’s love will permanently surround us. We will shine as blessed men and women! Those who believe the Gospel and yield their lives to Christ shall experience His power in their lives. They shall receive all the blessings that Christ purchased for them on the Cross (1 Corinthians 1:18). Most Gracious Heavenly Father, You are the Fountain of mercy. We believe in You and offer our lives as a living sacrifice to You. We will follow You all the days of our lives. Let Your divine mercy flow into our lives. Transform us into a vessel of mercy and bless us with honor. May we experience Your power in our lives and receive all the blessings You have purchased for us on the Cross. We pray this prayer in Jesus name with thanksgiving, Amen. Jesus Loves You and Jesus Saves You. God Bless You and Shalom.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:30:18 +0000

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