Today’s Gospel [The Resurrection of the Lord: Easter - TopicsExpress


Today’s Gospel [The Resurrection of the Lord: Easter Sunday]: 【Simon Peter and “the other disciple whom Jesus loved,” ran to the empty tomb and saw that Jesus’ body was not there. All they saw were “the burial cloths” and “the cloth that had covered his head.” The disciple whom Jesus loved went into the tomb, “and he saw and believed.” 】(Jn 20:1-9) 【Yesterday’s gospel has helped us to see that Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Mt 28:1-10). Today’s gospel talks about Simon Peter and “the other disciple whom Jesus loved,” saw the tomb was empty and Jesus’ body was not there and the latter disciple “saw and believed.” He believed in some way that Jesus had risen. (Jn 20:1-9).   But the whole matter would still require Jesus to appear several more times before His resurrection could be fully ascertained, because the disciples “did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.” We would also have to wait till the descent of the Holy Spirit to enhance the inspiration and revelation to help them understand and ascertain Jesus’s resurrection .   So we need to pay attention to the revelation of the gospel over the Easter period that we may come to further understand Jesus’ resurrection and its meaning. We need to pay special attention to the “Octave of Easter,” the first eight days of Easter. It is recommended that newly baptized Catholics participate daily in the Thanksgiving Mass over these days and reflect on the gospel of each day to deepen their faith.   In addition to that, it is worth the effort to deepen our understanding of the “Cosmic Christ” and its meaning and importance. So we will add additional sharing on the resurrection and the “Cosmic Christ” over these few days. Happy Easter to all!】   2014-04-20 (Easter Sunday)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 08:57:50 +0000

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