Today’s P & W Thought: Faith, The Living God and Our Promises - TopicsExpress


Today’s P & W Thought: Faith, The Living God and Our Promises Part I… If someone asked you what faith is, no doubt you would say Hebrews 11:1 without thinking: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see I’ve been going through my current life’s experiences and at what Faith really is! I’ve come to a conclusion that there are two kinds of faith. The one I call an intellectual faith, which is having faith in what we see; confident belief in the trustworthiness of an idea, person or thing. This is based on some intellectual facts or our own life’s experiences -- just as I have faith the chair I’m about to sit down in will hold me. Then there is the faith from the passage above that talks about certainty of what we do not see -- I’m not sure what to call this but for the purpose of this post I’ll call it the spiritual faith … Certain of the unseen.. Abraham had faith because He had received a message of a promised son. Mary believed the angel’s message that she’ll conceive a child by the Holy Spirit and many others in the bible had faith. I believe we too today have Faith [spiritual] in something -- as for us Christians our commitment is to live in hope of what God has promised because He has shown us through His word and His son Jesus that He is trustworthy. But there is also the gift of faith, faith that is beyond any human’s understanding and it is a gift to specific people… [Each and every believer has been given by the indwelling of the Spirit of God, gifts of the Spirit (Acts 2:38)] I’ll focus on the unseen faith that we all have… that we are certain about based on the word of God. I was not present at the creation of the heavens and the earth, yet I am certain that God created them. I was not present at the cross when Jesus was crucified, yet I am certain that He died for my sins and three days later rose from the dead! I do not have the ability to see the future to know when Jesus will return, yet I live with certainty and anticipation just as if it were Christmas. Faith is not something that we can feel, it is not an emotion, although it is often filled with emotion. Rather, faith is a decision we make to act upon what we believe; what we believe is based on what we hope for and what we hope for are the things God has promised in His Word. It is an absolute in the Christian life. When we pray we are confident [faith] that God will hear and answer our prayers. But we do not know when, how and in what form our answer will be but because our bibles tell us to pray, we do so without ceasing [1 Thes 5:17]. I’ve had a personal relationship with God for over 10 years now and have seen God answering and sometimes not answering my prayers. Right now I can’t see God working out THE DETAILS of His perfect plans in the midst of the present, yet I am certain that God is currently at work in my life and all around me. Why am I certain? It is because of the Great I Am … The Living God… Why do I call Him the Living God? It is because, during this trial I have seen God in a different light. The LIVING God... I will share with you my testimony in Part II [otherwise this post will be too long] Have a Wonderful Wednesday friends ... [By the way, sorry there was no post yesterday... I had visitors the whole day until past midnight].
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:30:52 +0000

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