Today’s P & W Thought: Living One Day At A Time Matthew - TopicsExpress


Today’s P & W Thought: Living One Day At A Time Matthew 6:34: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Living one day at a time can be harder to do than we think. Many people often scoff at our belief in an unseen God, and I admit it can seem rather unrealistic – but I know – without any shadow of doubt, that this unseen God is ‘pulling me through’ this very challenging times. For the past few days Ive been receiving family and friends visiting me here in Jburg, which I thought wow, what a blessing... Today I went to a Grace Bible church which also blessed me with its praise and worship choir and the sermon was just what I needed to hear ... thank you Lord. In my previous devotionals I have tried to explain how God is ‘pulling me through’ my challenges and all I can say is that He certainly does! He provides for us in ways we can not explain – what we have to do is trust in His works in our lives, and continue to have faith that all that He provides is for our betterment – after all, without this belief in a good God – what’s the point of living? Psalm 23 – says it all ... The Lord is my Shepherd (RELATIONSHIP) I shall not want (SUPPLY) He makes me to lie down in green pastures (REST) He leads me beside the still waters (REFRESHMENT) He restores my soul (HEALING) For His names’ sake (PURPOSE) Yea, though I walk through the valley – of the shadow of death (TESTING) I will fear no evil (PROTECTION) For You are with me (FAITHFULNESS) Your rod and Your staff comfort me (DISCIPLINE) You prepare a table before me, in the presence of my enemies (HOPE) You anoint my head with oil (CONSECRATION) My cup runs over (ABUNDANCE) Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my LIFE (BLESSING) And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (SECURITY) Brethren, in times of trial or testing, all we can do is “hang in there” and “hang on” to God, because if we do not have faith that He is ready, willing and able to help us – what else is there – surely all that is left is utter despair – and that is not a good or nice place to be! Let us pray: Dear Father, we do not understand how Your Way works – all we know is that it does, and we are thankful for that. Grant us, Father, the wisdom to hear You and trust in You and all that You provide; only then will we be equipped to take the next right step and take one day at a time. Amen! have a beautiful Sunday friends ...
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 22:05:26 +0000

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