Today’s P & W thought: Actions speak louder than words - TopicsExpress


Today’s P & W thought: Actions speak louder than words … Hosea 7:8 “Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples; Ephraim is a cake unturned” The nomadic people of the East baked their bread on hot rocks. If the dough wasnt turned, one side of the loaf would be burned and the other side half-baked or under cooked. This scripture talks about Ephraim who was not fully committed to the Lord, mixing and compromising with the unbelievers. Here we are not told to stop mixing with people of different faith/belief, but to be salt of the world through our actions that they can see and our prayers for them. We need to flavor their lives with the word of God. [Matthew 5: 13-16] I am sure we have seen or have friends/family members that profess to be believers but sometimes we question their actions. We cannot be worshiping and praising God on Sundays but from Monday to Saturday we live our lives as we please. There was a lady one day who asked me to pray for her, she was unable to conceive from her husband and was having an extra marital affair with a married man hoping to get children with him… I asked her about her faith; she says she goes to church every Sunday asking God for the same thing. …? During the week - we can not be receiving bribes, having extra marital affairs, lie to our supervisors or spouses, steal from our employers, or do anything that we know won’t please our Father, and on Sundays go to church as if nothing has happened and yet still be expecting to receive blessing from our Father. Brethren, we are not here to judge anyone but we should all reach a point where we can question and measure our ACTIONS/MOTIVES with the word of God, if WE ARE PLEASING HIM or not? This is growth/spiritual maturity. I believe we all get convicted when we do or think of something that isn’t right, but what do we do with that conviction? That conviction is like a reminder to us, that we are about to do something that won’t please God or if we went ahead and did it, that conviction reminds us to go back to God and ask for forgiveness and REPENT from it … When it comes to our relationship with the Lord, we must be thorough and not half-baked. His gracious work must permeate our whole being, just as the smell of fresh baked bread permeates through the whole house, so that our heart, mind, and soul are all devoted to Him. Compromise with the world leads to an unbalanced life, you cannot serve two masters. Matthew 6:24- No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. My friends, Let our actions/fruits speak louder than our words, let’s live every moment of every day for Christ, and not be half-baked! We shouldn’t compromise our faith, stand up and serve the King of kings and Lord of lords! Have a Smashing Saturday my friends …
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 06:16:44 +0000

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