Today’s Sermon Title: Messiah Yeshua is the Way, Truth, and - TopicsExpress


Today’s Sermon Title: Messiah Yeshua is the Way, Truth, and Life: It is in Him that all the Portals operate for His Followers. Scripture Reading: Psalm 118:19-24 “Open the Gates (the Hebrew word here is Sha’har and literally means the Holy Portals into the Invisible Corridors) of righteousness for me. I will go through them and give thanks to Yah. This is the gate (Sha’har meaning, the Holy Portal) of Yahweh through which (His) righteous (the Hebrew word here is tsaddiyq and literally means, those whom He has justified and vindicated) people will enter. I give thanks to you, because you have answered me. You are my Yeshua, the Stone that the builders rejected (the One Who) has become the cornerstone. Yahweh is responsible for this, and it is amazing (the Hebrew pawlaw, means beyond human power) for us to see (the Hebrew word here is ah’yin and literally means, to witness it supernaturally in this context). This is the day Yahweh has made. Let’s rejoice and be glad today!” Introduction Headline: Messiah can lead us through Heaven’s Portals: believers who are submitted to and walk in the Holy Spirit can access them. Introduction Text: In studying the Portals of Heaven, the Primary Portal we must look at and experience is found in Messiah. We have no hope of Portal Transport access without His direct leading. Throughout Yahweh’s Word, from Genesis to Revelation, we see the Types and Shadows of our Master in them: this includes the pathways, called gates, of Tabernacle and Temple Worship. When we study the Festivals of Yahweh, we not only see and understand them as Messianic Types and Shadows of Messiah, Who fulfilled them, but we see them as timelines of the Last days. Hebrews 9:9-12 says, “The first part of the tabernacle is an example for the present time. The gifts and sacrifices that were brought there could not give the worshiper a clear conscience. These gifts and sacrifices were meant to be food, drink, and items used in various purification ceremonies. These ceremonies were required for the assembly until Yahweh would establish a new way of doing things. But Messiah came as an high priest of the good things that are now here. Messiah went through a better, more perfect tabernacle that was not made by human hands and that is not part of this created universe. He used his own blood, not the blood of goats and bulls, for the sacrifice. He went into the most holy place and offered this sacrifice once and for all to free us forever.” In all of the Types and Shadows of the Good Things to come, we see Messiah Yeshua emerging from them as our Ancient Gateway into the Presence of the Most High through the Temple’s Veil. Hebrews 10:1-4 tells us, “Moses’ Teachings with their yearly cycle of sacrifices are only a shadow of the good things in the future. They aren’t an exact likeness of those things. They can never make those who worship perfect. If these sacrifices could have made the worshipers perfect, the sacrifices would have stopped long ago. Those who worship would have been cleansed once and for all. Their consciences would have been free from sin. Instead, this yearly cycle of sacrifices reminded people of their sins. (The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sins.)” In Prophetic Scripture, which the Whole of Yahweh’s Word is, we see that the Types and Shadows reveal our Messiah in them, and the good things He’s Promised that will come to us through Him. Colossians 2:16-17 declares, “Let no one judge you because of what you eat or drink or about the observance of annual holy days, New Moon Festivals, or weekly worship days. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the body that casts the shadow belongs to Messiah.” The Ancient Gateways, called Heaven’s Portals or Passageways, open in various parts of the earth, especially where Miraculous Revival Events took or take place, as in Jerusalem of Israel. Because of the Spiritual Warfare that takes place there are portals the enemy uses that we aren’t able to access, nor should want to, and then there are Heaven’s Portals which are available to us. These portals open at different times for specific purposes: Satan’s realm opens for death and destruction and Heaven’s open to bring life, health and blessing to Yeshua’s faithful followers. We meet every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at Hope Fellowship of Somerset for fellowship. We begin worship at 10:30 a.m. and the teaching portion of the Service at around 10:45 a.m. You can watch us online on youtube at: https://youtube/watch?v=PqL_WO9kZ7g If youre in Somerset, WI, feel free to join us at: 845 Plum Tree Lane, Somerset, WI, 54025. Be blessed as you join us for worship. Be there, or be left unaware.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:24:25 +0000

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