Today’s Tip: Don’t be a fair weather cowgirl! The wind is - TopicsExpress


Today’s Tip: Don’t be a fair weather cowgirl! The wind is howling and temps are dropping in central Texas and I can’t wait to saddle up this afternoon! Easy for me to say, right!? :) Now, DO KNOW that after many years in ND, MN and WY, I understand firsthand what it’s like to deal with extreme winter weather. Of course there legitimately ARE days when we’re better off, for the safety of ourselves and our horses, to curl up with a good book (like Secrets to Barrel Racing Success) instead of risk life and limb in extremely bitter cold or on poor footing or icey roads. HOWEVER on those “kinda miserable,” but “not impossible” days – get your booty to the barn! WHY? Because horses thrive on CONSISTENCY! Second, if you want your barrel horse to be focused on you and ready to do his job (and do it WELL), under ANY circumstances then you need to get out there and RIDE in ANY and ALL circumstances! Horses are super perceptive to danger and change - it’s no wonder that extreme weather sends their sensory systems into overdrive! So bundle up and enthusiastically jump at the opportunity to test out your horse’s focus and responsiveness in less than ideal circumstances, because you never know what kind of challenges will be thrown your way in competition! Remember, extreme weather doesn’t create “naughty horses,” it just emphasizes already existing insecurities that are just less noticeable otherwise. How our horses handle challenging environments is also a sign of how well we’re doing OUR job – that is, BEING the kind of person that helps them feel safe and secure no matter what. Dont be surprised if your horse doesnt do well in ALL circumstances if you havent prepared him. If your horse gets distracted in poor weather at home – GOOD! Take advantage of the opportunity to completely work through it and build your horse’s confidence so that he’s less likely to lose focus next time, OR at the barrel race. Cowgirl up, be safe, stay warm and visit BarrelRacingTips for more tips!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 22:01:17 +0000

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