Today’s WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD are those who post or email - TopicsExpress


Today’s WORST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD are those who post or email long essays about whatever scourge of mankind just caught their eye this morning (penis cancer, clubbed baby seals, the heartbreak of psoriasis) and about which they want to educate us…..and inspire US to “get involved.” Where in hell did THIS come from, I ask. Did I look like someone in need of a new holy crusade and just waiting for some jackass to drop in and coach me where to channel my surplus time and money? No. The jackass is trying to show the world that all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, he is NOT a useless bucket of protoplasm and HE has deep concern for the plight of the unfortunates of the world. Which is why any act of charity or beneficence must be trumpeted in a press release and in paid photos in as many fluffy illiterate magazines as possible. He does this NOT to look good. No, no. no! That would be wrong. HE does it to inspire others to – brace yourselves – GIVE BACK! Yes, he wants to “give back” by nagging others to “give.” It has not occurred to him to “give back” by refraining from taking more than he should from others in the first place and to NOT use slimy political tricks to get unfair access to government largess, etc. Now waiting for this week’s ego-gram chronicling how he has helped put baby birds back into the nests from which they had fallen as he chopped down the tree.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 21:39:52 +0000

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