Today’s guest quote is by Anne Lamott, from Help Thanks - TopicsExpress


Today’s guest quote is by Anne Lamott, from Help Thanks Wow “Thanks” is the short form of the original prayer I used to say in gratitude for any unexpected grace in my life, “Thankyouthankyouthankyou.” As I grew spir­itually, the prayer became the more formal Thank you, and now, from the wrinkly peaks of maturity, it is simply Thanks. Now as then, most of the time for me grati­tude is a rush of relief that I dodged a bullet—the highway patrol guy didnt notice me speed by, or the dog didnt get hit by someone else speed­ing by. Or Oh my God, thankyouthankyou­thankyou that it was all a dream, my child didnt drown, I didnt pick up a drink or appear on Oprah in underpants with my dreadlocks dropping off my head. These are all DEFCON 1 moments of relief and gratitude worth giving God thanks. The second and third levels of the second great prayer are said with a heaving exhalation of breath, the expulsion of bellows—THANK you, whooooooosh. The constables found my passport. The brakes held. The proliferation of white blood cells was about allergies, not leuke­mia; the pediatrician canceled the appointment with the head of oncology and instead recom­mended Benadryl. Oh my God: thanks.”
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 21:03:27 +0000

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