Today’s topic is incremental weather and your pets. Other than - TopicsExpress


Today’s topic is incremental weather and your pets. Other than the obvious hypothermia hazards, pets can also suffer strains, dislocations, bone breakage, and frostbite. To go into more detail of the different issues, first and the most dangerous is hypothermia. Hypothermia is when the body’s core temperature is lowered to a dangerous level. Many people consider their pets as being just animals and able to endure lower temperatures. This is reasonably not true. If you are not able to be out in the cold, either are your pets. Suitable insulated shelter does help a considerable amount but does not substitute being in a heated shelter along with ample water and food. Frostbite goes along with hypothermia. Frostbite is when the skin is exposed to temperatures below the freezing point of skin for extended amounts of time. The next few issues can take place in the same fashion of each other. Ice and snow on the ground is not only a hazard for humans but also for animals. They too can slip and strain muscles or dislocate joints or end in bones being broken. Some breeds of canines are more prone to joint dislocation in a normal every day process but more when the ground is slick. Some breeds are even more prone to patella luxation or knee dislocation regardless of their size. They are Yorkshire terriers, Maltese, Papillions, Jack Russell terriers, Pomeranians, and Pekingese. Some have issues also with hip subluxation such as German shepherds, Golden retrievers, Labrador retrievers, and Great Danes. Then in the instances of in hard falls, they can break bones. One issue some do not consider is the effects of ice melt used to melt ice on sidewalks can cause irritation and pain to pets paws along with it is dangerous if ingested. The chemicals of ice melt are sodium chloride or calcium chloride of which both irritate the paws and are harmful. It takes less than 4 grams or less than 1 ounce per kg or 2.3 pounds of body weight can cause death. Use of animal safe products is suggested but you have to also consider if you are taking your pets for walks in the winter, others may be using non-safe products. Some owners choose to use animal shoes when they take them for walks. That is if the animals will allow you to put them on and keep them on. If you are not one of those owners, then thoroughly cleaning your pets paws off when they come in! Also be aware of your pets drinking from puddles during your walk or just going outside to exercise or potty breaks. The puddles can contain ice melt from run-off even if you do not use it yourself, and can be at very high concentrations! As you can see, incremental weather is not only dangerous for humans. Animals can have the same issues as we do and are often over looked. Please be conscious and concerned for your animals or others who are not caring for their pets properly! Always think about the weather when you let your pets out and how long they are out in the elements! I hope this information helps you become more aware of the dangers to your furry children! Feel free to give me any comments or questions! Another quick bit of information I’d like to share with you is if you are interested in finding out information on how to learn how to make your own blog on any topic you would like to share or be able to promote your business, shoot me a message
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 04:28:10 +0000

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