Today’s lesson at school is Animal science Teacher:wot is a - TopicsExpress


Today’s lesson at school is Animal science Teacher:wot is a baby lizard called? Akpos: a baby lizard is called lizzybaby. The Exam During the exam, Akpors kept looking under the table, then he would write on the answer sheet. His teacher saw him doing that & thought he was copying. When collecting the paper after the exam.. Teacher: I’m gonna minus 10 marks. Akpors: Hiiaaa!! Why sir? Teacher: For copying. Akpors: How do you know that I was copying? Teacher: I saw you looking under the table. Akpors: *laughing* Question 9 said, “STUDY THE TABLE BELOW
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 11:08:14 +0000

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