Today’s word: The despised donkey 1 Samuel.9:6-8[NKJV] 6 - TopicsExpress


Today’s word: The despised donkey 1 Samuel.9:6-8[NKJV] 6 And he said to him, “Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honourable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. So let us go there; perhaps he can show us the way that we should go.” 7 Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread in our vessels is all gone, and there is no present to bring to the man of God. What do we have?” 8 And the servant answered Saul again and said, “Look, I have here at hand one-fourth of a shekel of silver. I will give that to the man of God, to tell us our way.” 9 (Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he spoke thus: “Come, let us go to the seer”; for he who is now called a prophet was formerly called a seer.) 1 Samuel.10:1 1Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head, and kissed him and said: “Is it not because the LORD has anointed you commander over His inheritance? ……………………………………………………………………….. Everyone knows very well that a donkey is one of the most despised domestic animals particularly in regions where people have herds of cattle. Apart from draught power there is no other use of a donkey. No matter how healthy it may look, you cannot slaughter it for meat as you would do with an ox, neither can you drink its milk as you would with a cow. Its waste cannot be used as manure like you do with an ox. I have not heard of the uses of its hide like we do with the ox hide to make leather products including shoes. Saka chipfuwo chakashoreka. It is a drought resistant animal that is more useful in drought prone regions as well as the desert. Vana chaivo vanotoziva kuti donkey harina chimwe chibatsiro apart from drawing the plough, scotch-cart or carrying luggage. We have never heard of cattle rustlers who were arrested for stealing donkeys. If it falls sick no one cares about them and when it dies people only get concerned of the bad odour emanating from its carcass and nothing else. Chipfuwo chakazvidzika. In the above chapter of the Bible, we are told that Saul had gone around and far in search of this animal. In the process, they almost gave up and decided to return home because Saul’s father, Kish would got worried for his son and not the donkeys. The Bible says, Saul’s servant suggested they go to Prophet Samuel and enquire about the whereabouts of their donkeys. They did so and when they met the man of God, Saul met his kingship yet they had come to fetch the less valued and despised donkeys. The same applies to you today, you have your own problems or worries today. These problems have sent you to various places including some false prophets because you thought it now requires some spiritual or divine guidance. You have gone for many years in search of a solution to your problem but to no avail. Your problem today is like the donkeys Saul was looking for. It is the connection to bigger testimonies in your life. The problems that you face today are gateways or bridges linking to better and bigger testimonies in your life. Those problems sent you to the man of God in search of a solution but in the process you came across not only prophecy but deliverance and healing. Having received deliverance, your barrenness ended but with it came prosperity and success in your life. Your poverty led you to the man of God but in the process you met with your wedding in addition to your wealth. You came to the Prophet seeking healing of your fibroids, cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, migraine headache, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, hypertension among others but in the process such problems led you to bigger testimonies. We have heard people testifying about their healing but in the process they end up talking of other blessings that fell their way. That problem caused you to be despised among the community and it led you to the man of God with the hope of only getting out of it but instead you got a double portion of blessings, most of them unexpected to you. There you are the flock of Jesus, do not ponder over the problem in your life today, it will come to pass but just know that it was meant to connect you to bigger and better things in life. You were meant to meet the man of God in your life through your problem. Uchawana zvidhafu-dhafu nekuda kwekaproblem kako kakaita kuti usanangane nemuporofita waMwari. Rejoice over that problem, for bigger and better testimonies lie ahead of your life. Shout, “I receive my bigger blessing! Zvidhafu-dhafu ndezvangu! Abbah! Father! Yadah”! Glory be to God. Mbiri kunaJesu. Let there be light – the light that pushes away darkness ……………………………………………. PHD Ministries – 0% demon tolerance for 100% testimonies
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 04:03:37 +0000

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