Today’s words are Gentleness and Goodness. Gentleness is defined - TopicsExpress


Today’s words are Gentleness and Goodness. Gentleness is defined as being a gradual process. A slow process. Here is a real life scenario of not being gentle!!! Every time my husband touches me, it hurts. He is almost twice my size and doesn’t know his own strength. When he hugs me he squeezes all the breath right out of me. He doesn’t do it intentionally, but that is what happens. Here is what God says: James 3:17—“Wisdom is….gentle…” God doesn’t just drop a bombshell of wisdom on our head, he gives it to us gradually. Sometimes we have to hit the proverbial brick wall to see what has been right in front of us the whole time, but I think that God tries to be gentle first. If that doesn’t work, the He will hit us a little harder. The meaning of goodness is based on context. Things like a good sermon, a good friend, a good person, a good job, etc… We use that word a lot. So what does it mean? A good sermon changes you, a good friend is uplifting, a good job makes you lots of money and treats you well. We are to be good people. People that reflect God, people that help others, people who uplift, change, care for, and do what is necessary for the cause of Christ. May we strive today to be gentle to those around us, and good to everyone we meet. May we be Like Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 12:23:15 +0000

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