Todd: Chris, I read earlier where you said big labels should die - TopicsExpress


Todd: Chris, I read earlier where you said big labels should die and be replaced with smaller labels like projekt. Im assuming you saw Sams post at the very top where he talked about the royalties he paid out being minuscule compared with what was paid in the past. Are you suggesting that you think nobody should make money making music or art? Do you want a world where the only labels that exist make no money at all? Todd? Im sorry I thought that was Borders related. Sort of like when Metropolis signed FLA/Front 242 and THAT Got them Tower Records And Borders and Metropolis dominated. All those stores dist. Venues are dust. Correct? Warner Bro owning your work forever to get greater exposure and make more money is a business model no longer needed. Phone books arent powerful either. I dont know what youre asking? Everyday more and more we come to rely on each other less and less. Vevo $20 a year hits more online and real life venues for a musician than any self crafted SMM or Fiverr SMO. Bandcamp replaced Tower Records. Small is beautiful. Unplugged from the large. Not enough royalties currently? Means more exposure is needed. How do you think the soul sucking sell album for $20 pay artist $1 succeeded? Alchemy? Advertising is not a right of the large and an impossible target of the small. The tools are here NOW to build a house. The materials too, all you need is a good builder. I look at layers of social media channels and services worth using as a pile of Legos. Most people complain about the mess or having to step on them. I see a castle in the pile. I want the artists and the labels to make the money. When labels like Projekt who put people/listeners and artists first. Dont you? The hammer neednt be Excalibur. It just needs to be hitting a nail. Not a sponge. The future of social media marketing companies should be preoccupation with human evolution. Advertising is mass communication. So it IS part of evolution. My preoccupation is joining the correct tool with the correct material to house the creator and healthy competition can lead to a better mousetrap. Labels like CMI, Earache etc are simply parasitic vengeance dispensers for those who crave celebrity. And their time is at an end. Now. There is always a NEW way. If my gas guzzler costs me the planet and my paycheck to use, I replace it with efficient new design. If that means pedaling then yours is a question of rhetorical destruction and would state: I must not want anyone at work on time because bicycles make sense not speed. Rebuild the roadway! Its web asp and DL UI and marketing innovation. Not anarchic childish lunacy that drives me. The too rapid passage of time is a gift given the right use of that time. It means prototype devo quickened to replacement of the cats whisker with the shortwave. I dont want to join a lamentation guild to preoccupied with shadows, I want to lead the group into sunlit gardens. The choices are here now. Remain and fade? Or explore based on community knowledge and grow based on personal innovation. Blame piracy or the expectation of zero money to hear poor quality if you wish. But, when the math indicates less revenue? Chances are its a sign of pending evolution. Of adaptation. Of change. What else could it mean? Complication of choice leads to acceptance of mediocrity and innovation is bad? Its simply unread signage indicating the value of investing in change. Creation of a winning business model had been Sam Rosenthals for decades. He never stops adapting or asking himself, us, everyone - learning and adapting. These qualities are the kind ID want in my leaders? No? There are always moments when other leaders with similar experiences should meet and discuss. But, as Jung said: the human mind rejects novelty. It naturally breeds the fantastic to explain the simple. The mind is a story telling machine and is attracted to storytelling content in marketing. In answers. In comfort. When truth is simple and often left for what we sense a fellow human will enjoy creating community to surround and control based on conjecture. People will always need art and artists. Societies putting a higher premium on the arts has always defined that cultures shelf life. What then do you suppose this app Facebook offers beyond a breeding ground for uncommon connection and disappointing greed built within its UI. Friendster was left for customization and individual expression found in MySpace. MySpace ignored the call for community and transparent interaction for story sharing. And now? The bones of FB stand shorter than the well fed giant once built to create community and connection. To do what was not able to be done on such a scale! Or with such regular pleasing surprise. But this marketing shell stands empty of once surprising memories of happy people and past times - it generates forum and pulpit for sales so random and uninspired people clamored for a removal protection. FB added more and more and more custom privacy from inhumanity. Let the wolf live inside the child stays with more common siblings behind the couch. Except you need to move it for them. And they become more angry and alone. So you force them out by destroying the couch and charging the wolf to reach the withdrawn, exposed, uncared for children. Because all this babysitting costs you $. Facebook has been a failure for about the last 2 years. But we trusted the ones who made us happy for free once. And we stay. We think we help design. We capitalize and some dress as wolves to avoid all failure. This is NOT evolution. Its torpor. And those wolves no longer need to eat. The homeowner neednt work as hard and the users fail to see the competition bought and augmented to the offensive and irrelevant repainted, made acceptable. often a windy memetic convulsion open to create fighting and fear. This is not evolution. It is greed suffering the weak to live. While the weak become strong again only in creating groups to surround the innovator with false conviction. With stories from other windy towers. As well as a similar and growing erroneously needed torpor. Leading is finding meaning within, showing how - to those needing the same and refusing distraction with one cleared voice calling hope down for change, by its own, pure-warm winded, revenue-blind and one size fits all opportunity-loving-cloud riding self-worth machines who cannot be over-served to fat wolves. Or better warn as shield than the mighty but naturally powerful hammer Thor himself forgot the story of in tearful boring despair. All, now seem to know how lost evil will - forced and erroneously grown by hope-shaped-kings for innovating tech or control of too many minds for too long. Minds without, self, hammer and leader remembered only in digital archeology class. Called Zoos now? They were called social media Channels before time came low to the dirt and asked: where are the leaders?
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:00:09 +0000

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