Todd CrozierExposed-Christian Journalism 15 mins · LETS SET - TopicsExpress


Todd CrozierExposed-Christian Journalism 15 mins · LETS SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: IS ISLAM TOLERANT OF OTHER RELIGIONS?.....ABSOLUTELY NOT! Ive repeatedly pointed out that in Saudi Arabia, where I worked as a military sales deal contractor for 3 years, Christianity is TOTALLY outlawed; that means TOTALLY! Possession of any written Christian literature and especially a copy of the Bible will land you in prison; conducting or participating in a Christian church service even in the privacy of your own home is forbidden; evangelizing Christianity attempting to apostatize a Muslim will land you in prison; committing blaspheme against Mohammed, Islam, or Allah will get your head chopped off. So then, retarded defenders of Muslims tell me You cant judge all Muslims by the Saudis; the Saudis are extremists. For one thing Saudi is the origin of Islam; the keeper of the 2 holy cities of Islam(Mecca, where Mohammed was born and Medina, where Mohammed died); they hold these 2 cities as sacred holy ground where no kuffar(unclean non-believer/infidel) are allowed to set foot as it would be deemed desecration of its holiness(and Ill guarantee any infidel attempting to trespass into these 2 cities will not leave with their head attached); the place where Muslims from around the world flock to perform their pilgrimage and gain instruction and inspiration from the experts of Islam, the Wahhabi Sunnis(which are the Saudis; Wahhabi meaning preservation of Islam in its truest form just as Mohammed created it, lived it, and intended it; protected from evil western influences unlike other countries who have allowed their version of Islam to become watered down to appease the west and appear more civilized. But, lets ignore all that for a minute and get back to the retards defense argument. Muslim countries like Iran, Pakistan, and others allow freedom of religion. They dont outlaw Christianity. Technically that is true; but only technically, because Apostacy is still a crime in those countries. What does this mean?......It means yes, you are allowed to possess Christian material and have Christian church service as long as you keep it to yourself; meaning no one is going to act on a tip that you may be running an underground church service and come raid your home as they would do in Saudi Arabia and hall you off to prison; it means you are not allowed to publicly speak of your faith and try to persuade Muslims to turn from Islam; THAT IS STILL A CRIME IN THESE COUNTRIES WHERE CHRISTIANITY IS SUPPOSEDLY LEGAL TO PRACTICE. The same law forbidding blaspheme against Mohammed, Islam, or Allah still carries a death sentence penalty in these countries as well. If you dont believe me, research Pastor Saeed Abedini. He is an American citizen serving 8 years in prison for trying to network and organize the spread of Christian gospel in Iran. Again, it is technically legal for you to practice Christianity if you keep it to yourself; but APOSTACY IS STILL A CRIME. Pastor Abedini has been imprisoned since 2012 and NO, you have never heard Obama speak of him because it would draw attention against Obamas claim that Islam is tolerant of other religions. So, lets tie the battle between the 2 factions of Islam together with all of this, the Sunnis versus the Shias: This is a weak analogy in scale comparison, but all I can think of: We have a percentage of extreme Pentecostal that while they share the core ideology of the Baptist, they still frown upon the Baptist for women wearing pants and short skirts, listening to secular music, and all sorts of other depravity. But the Pentecostal are good folks and dont want to go so far as to chop off the heads of the Baptists just because the Baptists are a little more lax on rules than they are. Well, the Sunni Muslims would be like the Pentecostals in this analogy frowning upon the Shia for relaxing on Shariah Law requirements and allowing their version of Islam to become watered down to appease the west. The Shia will still chop your head off for blaspheme of Mohammed, but they will not kick down your door based on a tip you may be in possession of a Holy Bible. The Shia dont adequately enslave their women(the seed of Satan); they do require modest dress and scarf over the hair, but not full burka; they allow women to receive higher education and work outside the home; they dont strictly enforce fraternization law against male and female interaction(Saudi allows no conversation between males and females who arent blood related or married to one another; through arranged marriage of course, since dating would violate the fraternization law). etc........But unlike the Pentecostal, the Sunnis are not good folks, and they will chop your head off for non compliance of Shariah Law whether you call yourself a Muslim or not; the Sunnis get really pissed at what they consider western appeasement. Thats what youre seeing in Iraq right now; they will not tolerate the puppet Shia government installed there by west during their occupation. By the way; of the Muslim world population, only 10-13% are Shia, while the overwhelming majority 87-90% are Sunni. Not good news for Muslim sympathizers, sorry!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 03:01:46 +0000

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