Tods Weekly message. There was an elderly man who drove up to a - TopicsExpress


Tods Weekly message. There was an elderly man who drove up to a four way stop and proceeded slowly across the intersection without stopping. A police officer happened to see him run the stop sign and pulled the gentleman over. The officer asked the man, “Did you not see the stop sign?” To that the elderly man replied, “Yes, I just didn’t know you were watching me.” Isn’t it amazing how our lives are dictated by who we think may be watching us? As a vender I collect the coins from the toy and gumball machines at several locations throughout a four state area. At one particular account in east Texas I set up the coin counter as I normally do and called over to the manger to ask if she wanted to verify my count. She responded with, “You have never stolen any money from us before, have you?” Without thinking I replied, “I can’t, God watches every single move I make.” My comment caused everyone within hearing distance to laugh. Little did they know, I was not joking. Every move we make and every word we say is under the watchful eyes and the listening ears of our Heavenly Father. As Christians we should live our lives as if we believe that very thing. Understanding that one day we will all have to give an account of our life before God should compel us to live a life based on accountability and integrity. This is what the Bible calls the fear of the Lord and the beginning of wisdom. Scriptural reference (Romans 12:2) “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 01:25:03 +0000

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