Together 4 Ever: Dont allow your friends or your family to get - TopicsExpress


Together 4 Ever: Dont allow your friends or your family to get between you & your spouse. Don’t associate with anyone who hates, disrespects & dishonors your spouse. Make them clearly understand that you & your mate are one. Anyone who truly cares about you will honor your choice of spouse & will treat your spouse with dignity & respect. Anyone who comes to you to gossip about your spouse is sowing seeds of division in your marriage; stop them immediately. Shield your marriage. Protect your spouse’s position, image & reputation. Stand up in defense for each other. “What God has joined together, let no one separate. Mark 10:9. In every marriage you can find many reasons and countless excuses for divorce. But the secret to a lasting marriage is to continue to find reasons to stay married. God is not finished with your marriage. Great marriages are not built overnight. Two unique people who grew up in different places, under different circumstances and from different parents cannot suddenly become one flesh. God said the two shall become one flesh. He didnt say the two shall suddenly become one flesh. Give God time to perfect the union. Give the Holy Spirit time transform your you and your spouse. The oneness of marriage is a work of a lifetime. #Together4Ever
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 06:51:28 +0000

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