Together with former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, Bolivian - TopicsExpress


Together with former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, Bolivian president Evo Morales has been consistently critical of Israel and imperialism. In response to US foreign policy and exploitation, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales declared themselves the axis of good’ against imperialism and its allies, quoting Chavez, who threaten, who invade, who kill, who assassinate. Morales broke ties with Israel in 2009 over the massacre unleashed upon Gaza during Operation Cast Lead, declaring that Israeli officials including Ehud Olmert, ought to be charged with genocide in the International Criminal Court. The United Nations was also criticised for its usual diplomatic stance allowing Israel to murder with impunity, with Morales deriding the organisation by accusing the Insecurity Council’ of allowing the perpetrator free reign to indulge in crimes against humanity. Morales reiterated his stance during Operation Pillar of Defence in 2012, declaring Israeli to be an international threat to stability in the Middle East and Latin America, the latter referring to Israel’s military and economic ties with countries such as Colombia - a country heavily reliant on Israeli drone technology to further oppression. The similarities between Palestine and Latin America were invoked in the message of solidarity - a reminder of the colonisation and subsequent neoliberal violence unleashed upon the continent. Through the statement, Bolivia has affirmed the legitimacy of Palestinian self-determination as a struggle beyond the confines of territory - it is also a reminder of a wider struggle for self-determination against imperial exploitation. - See more at: middleeastmonitor/blogs/politics/8554-similarities-between-palestine-and-latin-america-invoked-in-bolivian-message-of-solidarity#sthash.HEdB6uPo.al1VGqKH.dpuf
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 16:58:30 +0000

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