Tom Woewiyu (formerly known as Thomas Smith), a former mere foot - TopicsExpress


Tom Woewiyu (formerly known as Thomas Smith), a former mere foot soldiers of Mrs. Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia is expected to appear on the state radio and television station today by 7:00PM. READ A GIST ABOUT MR. WOEWIYU History has little pity for those who disregard its hard lessons. This is an immortal truth. So, we have an obligation to view and treat Tom Woewiyu and his kinds as the hustlers and scoundrels they truly are. This is the onl......y way we can save the future Liberia from the predatory impact of their plunder. Tom has a track record of theft, violence, plunder, deceit, lies and treachery. Let’s go back to memory lane and take a look at who Tom Woewiyu truly is. THE DUCOR ROBBERY Tom Woewiyu (formerly known as Thomas Smith) emerged on the Liberian landscape in the late 1970s. During those days, Woewiyu was employed as a security officer at the Ducor Palace Hotel towering over Monrovia. Liberia was in critical need of foreign investment capital to keep the pace of economic development on track. President William R. Tolbert, Jr. invited a group of foreign Investors to Liberia to explore the investment climate in the country. They were lodged at the Ducor Palace hotel as guests of the Liberian government. Sadly, a rouge Liberian cop named William (Bill) Taplin was the SSS agent assigned to the guests as the security detail. Bill Taplin, who will later be known to Woewiyu and Taylor as the “god father”, was married to a niece of the late President Tolbert. He, therefore, had enough inside information to know that the visiting investors had some liquid cash to carry. This information was passed on to Tom Woewiyu who was the chief security on duty that night. Woewiyu then arranged the robbery with a known thief named Frank Chenoweth. On that fateful night, Chenoweth, under the guidance of Tom Woewiyu, broke into the investors’ suites and robbed both the investors and the hotel. Legend has it that he escaped the hotel premises by wrapping himself into a mattress and jumping down to safety. The hotel lost money, the investors lost money and confidence, and Liberia lost investment opportunities and potential jobs and economic growth. But Tom Woewiyu, Chenoweth and the God father were several thousand bucks richer, which was the only thing that mattered to them. William (Bill) Taplin – the god Father – used his influence to arrange passports and visas for the criminals. The thieving trio fled the country for the comfort of the United States. Woewiyu landed in the United States with his stolen bounty in hand and set up shop in the New York -New Jersey corridor doing business.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:54:24 +0000

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