Tombstone Territory The Murder of Cameron Alexander King and the - TopicsExpress


Tombstone Territory The Murder of Cameron Alexander King and the Cover-up (VI) In this segment of the investigation, we will lay to rest, once and for all time, whether Norris told the truth or lied about what happened, when he Shot Cameron Alexander King. We will take Norris statement during his interview, and compare it to the Pima County Medical Examiner, Cynthia Porterfields autopsy results. Earlier Norris described opening the walk-in clothes closet door, situated at the west end of the bathroom, just to the left of the closet Kara Bales was in. (Pic 1) Norris said he saw Cameron standing in the closet pointing a gun at him, Norris said he moved to the right, and, “I started firing, until there was no longer a threat, and he was going down.” Then Norris said that Cameron sat down on the inside of the west wall of the closet, the wall to the right of the door, where Camerons back would have leaned up against the sheepskin coat. (Pic 2) Here is where Norris got caught lying. Norris said they were both facing the east wall, which is the back wall. He indicated he was standing in the doorway leading into the walk-in clothes closet. During the interview, Norris was asked, Det: “So as you are facing the closet, he is kind of off to…” Norris: “Off to the right…” Det: “And your gun is?” Norris: “My gun’s in the right.” hand. Norris said he was standing in the doorway with his gun in his right hand, and he said Cameron was sitting on the floor, with his back against the inside of the west wall, and they were both facing the rear of the closet. Norris said he gave commands to Cameron, “get down, get down,” and Cameron responded with, “Im down.” Now Norris has a serious credibility problem, Cameron would not have been able to speak, his vocal cords were beyond repair. Camerons left side would have been facing Norris right side, and Norris had his gun in his right hand. That places Norris standing on the upper left left side of Cameron. Since Norris said Cameron was sitting, if Norris fired his gun at Cameron from that position, he would have fired it exactly in the same position and angle as Cynthia Porterfield revealed in her autopsy. The bullet entered Camerons neck / throat area at the angle consistent with where Norris said he was standing in relationship to Cameron at the door area and, if Norris fired his gun in that downward position from the upper left side of Cameron, the bullet would have produced the same type of skidding across Camerons neck / throat that the autopsy photos reveal, and then traveled across his chest, as the M.E. demonstrated, as opposed to a round hole produced by a more straight in shot. In other words, the angle from which Norris would have fired his gun, if he was telling the truth, was identical to where Norris said he was standing in relationship to Cameron. Sorry, no other way to present this. (Pic 3 is a negative version of the actual wound Cameron sustained. You can see the skidding on the left, as the bullet entered the neck / throat area from the upper left side of Cameron, and the exit wound on the right side of his chest.) Norris has another credibility problem. This next statement is partially true, but not the way Norris told it. Norris said during his interview, “I took him with my left hand and threw him on the ground.” Since they were in the closet, Norris would have had to have thrown Cameron into the center of the closet. Cynthia Porterfield revealed at the autopsy that Cameron again was shot from the upper left side, and the bullet again traveled from left to right. Miss Porterfield believed this last shot ended Camerons life, because the bullet traveled through Camerons heart, right lung, and out his back. Miss Porterfield revealed this by showing how the bullet entered Camerons chest 41 cm below the top of his head, and exited his back 45 cm below the top of his head. Those measurement reveal that Norris would have been standing on the upper left side of Cameron and almost directly over him, as Cameron laid on his back. The problem with Norris lies are seen in the fact that Norris said he fired his shots, gave verbal commands, and then Cameron responded in a audible voice.Norris fired his last shot two shots, Cameron Alexander Kings vocal cords were severely damaged, and he was dead; therefore, Cameron could not have given an audible response to Norris commands to get down. Norris never opened the closet door, and he never saw Cameron standing in the closet pointing a gun at him. Norris lied about what happened; his whole story was proven to be false by the Pima County Medical Examiner, Cynthia Porterfield, the day before Norris gave his statement at his interview. TMO deputy James E. Norris Jr. is a liar; the real evidence proves he is, and the Official Story is not true. Pics are on My Facebook page: https://facebook/jerryavierra
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 06:06:43 +0000

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