Tommie McMillan it is for you, translation i copy from Richard - TopicsExpress


Tommie McMillan it is for you, translation i copy from Richard Armitage Bulgaria Richard in Brazil interview translated by KristyAnne Borges-huge thank you! When The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies hit theaters on Thursday, the public will see Thorin Oakenshield , a burly dwarf long hair, eyebrows and beard had enough, lead his people in an almost suicidal battle for gold , power and dignity. Is not that Thorin approaching the table and greets us with a polite smile on his face, short hair and beard well made. Tall and very thin, the British actor leaves out the carapace of the dwarf king and reveals a kind and talkative face - that of Richard Armitage. At first glance, almost nothing in Armitage remember his character, except the deep voice and speaking slowly. Gradually, the man we saw on the screen will be revealing in small surprises, such as a very slow rise of eyes or a particularly thoughtful. The actor is aware of our astonishment and has now about two and a half hours a day being transformed in character. The first test we did took six and a half hours, but gradually, as the makeup was being changed and simplified, we reduced for two and a half hours to three hours. The makeup itself took an hour and a half every day, then it was half an hour to the hair and half an hour to the costume - proud, ensures that the beard was natural. It was a slow evolution in the visual character from a photo - describes - Since a number of looks that [creative studio] Weta developed, through different accessories and possibilities to get on camera. Even during the first movie, the character has undergone changes because we needed some reading on his face, so the makeup could not be too theatrical. To capture the visual warrior, Armitage had to work out for six months and train with swords for eight weeks before the start of the recordings - time was extended when the third movie was announced (initially, would be only two). The physical transformation was also interesting because we need to strengthen it, make it wider, bigger, more muscular, and Im a skinny guy ... So that was a challenge, he laughs. Thorin is not only a strong character, but it is a dwarf - which contrasts with the almost 1,90m height of his interpreter. To achieve the effect on the screens, Armitage notes that were used various resources, including some that made him look bigger. I had heels on my shoes so that when the computer on shrink, we [dwarfs] not seem like children, but warriors. He also explains that, in some scenes, two scenarios of different sizes were assembled, so that the scale stay proportional to each character. At other times, says he also used the good old step. They put Gandalf (Ian McKellen) in a box and I looked at his chest. It was harder to shoot when there was another pair of eyes, especially a pair of eyes like Ian McKellen. My eyes had to get up very slowly towards him, which are like magnets - account, without hiding his fan-boy side. In addition to admiring McKellen, Armitage reveals he is a fan of Tolkiens work and that The Hobbit was probably the first book I read as a boy. Opening the round door in the county and come face to face with the magician dress veteran, so his reaction was pure shock. What am I doing here, playing the theme park of The Lord of the Rings? - For he was the realization of a dream. Fully embedded in this project, the actor knew that would need to be faithful to the original material to please other fans. I always resorted to the book, when I felt lost or thought I was too gracing said respectfully. He sought the passages where Tolkien makes a more accurate profile of who is Thorin, in particular a passage in which he makes a long speech. The physical description is a bit generic, and when he plays a character daily for 240 days, the more specific you can get better, but all my reference material, research has always Tolkien. Peter Jackson, director of three long and also the trilogy The Lord of the Rings, also did his part to help the actors to embark on their characters. It was one of the first days. I came to the base and there was a line of helicopters, and you hear the legendary stories of Pete filming in inaccessible locations, so I knew we were going to some very special place. Then you enter the character enters the helicopter, and take you to the top of a mountain, you leave there and leave. And we were there, waiting to shoot, and it was unforgettable. We became the dwarves on the mountain. Over the three films, the experience left important lessons for the actor, as the patience to play a character over a long period, revealing it slowly before the climax in the final episode. Armitage also found the affection of fans and fell in love with cosplayers who invaded premieres and events like Comic Con Experience in Sao Paulo. I think fantastic, I wonder what fantasies will find. Now the journey was over, he will take home only a golden ring, dwarves, spiked with the name of your character inside. A little secret of your own, to remind Richard that, one day, he was Thorin Oakenshield.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:56:13 +0000

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