Tommy’s Angel It was mid-January, before the two-week long cold - TopicsExpress


Tommy’s Angel It was mid-January, before the two-week long cold spell finally broke. John thought it was a good day to take his dogs for a walk along his favorite path. As he got them ready, his son came into the room. “I wanna come too dad” he said, and put his winter jacket on. John smiled, zipped up his son’s coat, and they were out the door. The air smelled fresh, the sun hiding behind the white clouds. The two of them crossed the street and onto the walking trail, with the dogs leading the way. “What is that boat doing dad” little Tommy said, as he pointed towards a passing ship. John looked out on the lake and noticed an ice breaker cutting a path through the ice. “He’s making a road for the big ships” he told his son, as they made their way along the path. Tommy watched the ship as they headed for their favorite stop. Then, after a few minutes, he became distracted by something he had never seen before. “What is that dad?” Tommy asked, pointing at an object in the distance. John asked him, “what do think it is? Tommy stopped and thought carefully for a minute. “I think it’s an angel” he said, “but it doesn’t have a head.” John laughed as they continued walking, admiring his young son for thinking so seriously for an answer to what it may be. Five minutes more passed, before they arrived at Ed’s Cafe, for some hot chocolate. While John placed their order, Tommy looked at the angel being built outside. It was made of ice, and rose up from the frozen ground. He watched a man spraying water on the angel’s outstretched arms. “Yup, that’s an angel” he said, as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. Then Tommy saw the man walking towards the cafe. As the man entered, he sat next to Tommy and his dad. “Coffee please” he told the waitress, as he took off his coat. Tommy sat as patiently as he could, before he asked the man, “what are you making, an angel?” The man looked at Tommy and smiled, as he stirred his coffee. “Well son, it’s a secret that I have in my head, but you’ll like it when i’m done.” “It’s a waste of money” said an old man, who overheard the two of them talking. Tommy looked at his new friend, and felt bad at what the man in the corner had said. Tommy’s father, who had also heard the outburst, introduced himself to the ice sculptor. John said, “I’m not sure what you’re making, but I wish you luck; lots of people are talking about it. It’s causing quite a stir in town.” The sculptor finished his coffee, then said “have you ever built something, that didn’t look so good until it was done?” John laughed in agreement, thinking back to Tommy’s jungle gym that he had built from scratch, just by using his imagination. The ice sculptor shook hands with Tommy and his father, paid their bills, and walked out the door. Tommy looked up at his dad once more and said, “yup, it’s an angel.”
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:31:31 +0000

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