Tomorrow I turn 30 years young. Its a big milestone for me. Ive - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow I turn 30 years young. Its a big milestone for me. Ive finally gotten to that decisive point in my life where I can confidently say that I dont know and I dont care. I dont know all the answers, and I dont care what you or I claim to believe. In order for our time to mean anything in this world and in this life, we must commit ourselves to action in the name of the very beliefs and philosophies which inspire us to continue living for the greater good. That being said, I realize you all cannot do what I am doing, and if given a chance you just might do an even better job. However, life has landed me in the middle of a unique opportunity in which we are able to make a difference in a different part of the world, without government agencies, political parties and not in the name of any religion other than kindness. If you feel what I mean, show Fincas Buenas some love for my Dirty 30 and send me some money to buy some rain gear, and whatevers left over will go to more workweeks of busting our asses in the name of not just giving Mayan warrior beasts some fish, but also showing them how sustainable development and technology can prevent them from having to work so hard to catch those fish, empowering them to live as independent from money as possible. When peoples stomachs are filled, roofs are over their heads and clothes on their backs, when basic needs are fulfilled, they are much less easily coerced by corrupt govenments, less likely to steal from their neighbors due to the utter necessity of prolonging their own survival, and are not as apt to possess the desire to come to the United States illegally to seek employment. And from these fulfilled needs arises a new generation, educated, empowered and ready to break past cycles of military dictatorships, ethnic cleansings, and the lack of opportunities and access to knowledge. Thus has been the sad history in much of Latin America, leaving a whole mass of its population wishing they were anywhere else but here. A lot of you reading this are the first, second, or third generation of those who have already come north from the motherland, and either you know the difference because youve seen it with your own two eyes and lived it, or your family members have told you about it. Thats great and Im happy for your good fortune, but there are still people here, and something can be done and is being done for those who stayed behind. Some of the peoples lives you have helped touch through your donations to our cause believe we are the answer to an urgent prayer, and are filled with an overwhelming passion to pay it forward. Our goal is to continue inspiring this sort of reaction through a balance of kindness, respect, and firmness. One of the most important balances being acheived during this process springs from a combination of asking trustworthy people what the community needs and other times insisting we implement a method which has been proven effective in our neck of the woods, but has yet to be accepted as standard practice here. On a personal level, it takes humility, accepting how little I know about this way of life and picking my battles, while continuing to apply to my life what I feel to be the best lessons from my education, training, travel and other experiences. I still have quite a few kinks to work out as an individual, but Im learning a lot and look forward to continuing this quest. I thank you all for allowing me to be an ambassador of good will to represent you abroad. Send me some dough and Ill try my best to make you all proud. Love yall. Semper Fi. gofundme/Fincasbuenas or (this one goes through paypal and takes off less of a percentage for transactions)
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 21:45:34 +0000

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