Tomorrow I will be sober for one year. So much has happened - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow I will be sober for one year. So much has happened between October 25th last year and today. I cant say enough about how the strength and loyalty of the people around me means so much to me. I told myself a year ago that by this time I would have My apartment, my band, new relationships, gone back college, be healthy, and have my car on the road. And while Im still without a road legal vehicle its nice to know Monday that will all change. On top of that I have mended every relationship I destroyed a year ago that was worth mending. I know this sounds self absorbed, but I have lived a life where I wasnt able to feel a lot of pride in who I am as a person due to outside and inside forces. So to be able to look back on the year that was and see all of this. I feel truly proud of myself and thankful to the ones around me who have stuck through my bull shit and realized I was something better than the creature I was portraying in 2012-13. Thank you all so much.It wont let me tag all of you (giggity) but know that if I didnt tag you I wanted to..god that sounded bad-OK Im done
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 16:10:11 +0000

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