Tomorrow I will start posting what we should be putting in our - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow I will start posting what we should be putting in our bodies and what we shouldnt to help lose weight and become healthier!! This can also be a team effort. PLEASE feel free to post recipes or suggestions. TEAM WORK :) Yesterday I posted about keeping a journal. This will aid in accountability but also it is a great tool to look back and see what you did during the most successful periods of the journey and even times when you plateau (which is a normal part of weight loss). Journal EVERYTHING!! Write down every meal, snack, water intake, exercise, etc. Research proves that journaling during weight loss provides better results! I always like to jot down how I feel at the end of the day as well. Carry this with you!! Water is the MOST important aid in helping you shed the pounds and truly it is the hardest element for me. 64 ounces is the least amount of water you should be getting in daily. I am shooting for 80 ounces per day. My journal is set up and ready to go, I have my water bottle ready and today I am going to the store and loading up on lots of fresh fruit, veggies, lean proteins, and whole wheat carbs. Tomorrow weigh yourself in the morning and take a few measurements. I usually just measure my waist and hips. Write these numbers down. As much as the scale can be the enemy, it is also the most rewarding when you are changing your lifestyle and losing weight. I usually weigh twice per week, Fridays and Mondays. It keeps me in check! Losing weight and changing your lifestyle is certainly a challenge but doing this as a group to help motivate and keep us accountable will make it easier and more fun. Now, more than ever, we need to start focusing on a healthy lifestyle! So take today to get organized and prepared!! If you are already on the Plexus journey be sure to have it ready and accessible! If you are not taking Plexus, consider these tools to help in making this journey much easier and healthier. But whatever the case, be prepared for success!!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:30:29 +0000

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