#### Tomorrow Never Comes !! Yes Tomorrow Never Comes !!! - TopicsExpress


#### Tomorrow Never Comes !! Yes Tomorrow Never Comes !!! #### Once, the devil called for a demons’ conference. The theme of that conference was “How to destroy the Gospel.” The devil lamented the fact that the Gospel is spreading like wild fire. He stressed that unless a counter strategy was found, the Gospel would indeed spread to the entire world. With desperation, he urged the demons to come up with creative ideas. The atmosphere was extremely solemn as the devil waited for suggestions from the floor. For a long period of time, no one uttered a word. One demon broke the silence by saying, “Let’s destroy the Bible so that the good news contained therein could not spread.” Without hesitation, the devil said, “Have you forgotten that we tried that for centuries? The more we try to destroy Bible, the more it becomes precious to the Christians. It has become the world best seller of all times.” There was an awkward silence as the devil waited for the next suggestion. Everyone was in deep thoughts. Another demon timidly stood up an said, “Let’s destroy public prayer so that Christians would not have the power to spread the Gospel.” The devil replied with impatient, “Have not we tried that in the States, as well as in many other countries? We instigated the authorities to prohibit public prayers but these Christians intensified their private prayers. Consequently, the Gospel is being spread even further.” There was a longer silence before the third demon stood up. He was trembling visibly as he feared the fury of the devil. Timidly, he suggested, “How about destroying the churches all over the world? That will stop the Gospel from going forth because churches are sending agencies of missionaries.” The devil answered angrily, “Have not we tried that many times before? In China alone, many churches went underground during the reign of Chairman Mao. Look what happened today? These churches are flourishing more than ever! Millions are following Christ! And you useless dummies cannot do anything about it.” There was absolute silence in the bowels of hell. This time the silence seemed like eternity. Finally, another demon ventured another idea, “Let’s severely persecute the Christians. Martyr them. Put intimidation and fear into the hearts so that they would not dare share the Gospel with another soul.” The devil snarled, “You idiot, every time a martyr is killed, his blood is the seed for another vibrant church. Since the very first church was born, we have been persecuting every Christians non-stop. Yet we are fighting a losing battle. More churches are springing up everyday. More people are breaking loose from us as they turn to Christ. We are losing out. Could not one of you come up with a viable idea?” Suddenly, one tiny little demon stood up and said, “There is a strategy, I believe will work. But we must carry it out consistently. Let’s tell the Christians that they should not neglect reading the Bible. Let’s even encourage them to pray fervently, both in public and private. Let’s urge them to plant churches all over the world. Let’s implore them to do great exploits for Christ.” He further suggested, “After we told them what they long to hear, let’s not forget to add this caution: But don’t do it today. Today you have too much going for you. You are too busy. Do it tomorrow. Tomorrow is a better day.” He added, “When the next day comes, we will whisper the same thing into their ears, ‘It is good to be more committed to God. It is good to spread the Gospel. It is good to save the lost, heal the sick and set the captives free. But you cannot afford to do it today. Why not leave it till tomorrow?’ When the new day arrives, we repeat the same thing all over again. For them, tomorrow never comes.” There was a thunderous, spontaneous applause. The entire belly of hell shook with wild cheers and celebrations. Every demon knew they had discovered a powerful strategy against Christians. Does the devil’s strategy works in your life? Are you putting off certain important matters to an indefinite future? Do you feel the spirit of procrastination strangling your feet? It does not have to be that way because greater is God that is in you than he that is in this world. Take ACTION NOW! Take Action Every Day - Some Small Dose At A Time..,,
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 03:32:10 +0000

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