Tomorrow President Obama is going to be making an announcement - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow President Obama is going to be making an announcement regarding the executive order he is issuing on the topic of immigration. Everything is being threatened by the Republican party from law suits to impeachment, to shutting down the government. He is being called imperial and tyrannical, and accused of directly violating the constitution and the will of the people. Much has been said, and apparently little heard in some quarters, regarding the fact that this president has issued the least amount of executive orders of any resent president , all with out the name calling and threats.That is all good and true...and yes it magnifies the unbelievable hypocrisy of his opponents. But I would like to look at this from a totally different direction. Polls would indicate that , while a majority of our population does in fact believe that we need to comprehensively reform our overall immigration policy, only less than one third believe that President Obama should do what he can with an executive order. So is he going against the will of the people in pursuing this order. Probably . BUT . . . I think it is imperative that we look back at some of the previous executive orders that were unquestionably issued at the objection of most American voters. One of the big time offenders in the past was....Abraham Lincoln... The emancipation proclamation which was issued to end the practice of slavery in the USA...was an executive order, as he could not have garnered the votes. Harry Truman, his order to desegregate the military was an executive order. Not a chance in the world that he could have carried the vote on that one. Anyone out there in favor of rescinding those executive orders? Well, actually, there probably are! But I dont expect that many of them read my FB page. Sometimes if you are a real leader , with moral convictions, you do something just because it is the right thing to do. I believe that President Obama is on solid legal, constitutional, and moral ground in making this decision, and he has my support.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 05:13:48 +0000

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