Tomorrow: The sun rises and with it a nation who finds itself - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow: The sun rises and with it a nation who finds itself immediately engaged in battle. There is little escape from what began on June 12th when our three boys went missing. This war has consumed the hearts and minds of the people of Israel from the very beginning. A generation reaches impulsively every few minutes for their phones. Praying to God they don’t see their brothers’, fathers’, and friends’ names or faces in their newsfeeds. A mother weeps, siblings ask why, and a father’s face reflects both grief and pride. All conversation comes to a dead-halt on the train as simultaneously the same eerie alarm rings out from the pockets, purses, and back packs of complete strangers – Red Alert. “Ashkelon. Beer Sheva. Ashdod,” someone says. Across the aisle, with her eyes locked on the device in her lap, a young woman says to no one in particular, “My mother lives in Ashdod.” A knowing hush. Our lungs grow weary. Day in and day out we breathe air thick with tension. Riots in the streets, busses and trains have had pipe bombs thrown at them, men and women praying at the Western Wall have lifted up their eyes to heaven to find rocks hurled from up on the Temple Mount. More kidnapping attempts. A constant flow of rockets coming in from Gaza. 2/3 of Israel’s citizens living in bomb shelters. All the while Hamas uses women and children as human shields. The death toll is up again this morning. Ours and theirs. We mourn for all innocent life cut way too short by an evil enemy whose only goal is to kill, steal, and destroy. All the while a vile, twisted, and grotesque finger, is being pointed at Israel. Many in the international community spew hate. Still, Israel valiantly forges into combat to ensure a peaceful future for their generations and for that of their perpetrator. From the shadows, Israel’s friends ask “What can I do?’ Stand. (Stand for Truth) Share. (Share this video) Give. (To our victims of war fund) And the nation clings to the two things that have kept them united for millennia. The God and ancient text of their patriarchs. In unison they recite the prayer of their beloved warrior, poet, and king: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. -RIV
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 18:49:09 +0000

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