Tomorrow at 2.15pm The Judgement on the John Banks case will be - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow at 2.15pm The Judgement on the John Banks case will be given by Judge Wylie.. A Reminder... What John Banks is charged with is about his failure to correctly file *a true and honest declaration of donations received as a Mayoral candidate which he signed off on as ANONYMOUS.(transmitting a return of electoral expenses knowing that it is false in a material particular) This case may have included but is surely not actually about Kim Dotcoms veracity despite the great lengths that some went to try to make it JUST THAT This included a National MP who in my opinion potentially perjured himself in his endeavours to do just that, but actually simply succeeded in just making a total pigs ear of his time on the stand demonstrating to all present just how much the Cash For Access party actually need that one vote of John Banks and how desperate they are to try to hang onto it... I also think that evidence given by everyone on the timeline of the Dotcom donations so unreliable it may actually simply be discounted by Judge Wylie, as it was suspect on both sides. This due to Amanda and Monas selective memory problems in the end for different reasons. Jones ( Defence) treatment of Mona far nastier than Dacres ( Prosecution) of Amanda Banks. Regardless, their laudable loyalty to their spouses may have been in vain given they both actually contradicted both Banks and Dotcoms assertions and statements anyway.. Nigel Morrisons ( Sky City Ceo) evidence is what should hopefully see Banks convict.. Morrison gave the $15,000 cheque in a Sky envelope directly into Banks hand. He was not there to collect a hotel room chit or a recipe and knew damn well what it was... Banks then took said envelope back to Town Hall personally and handed it via Scott Campbell who passed it to the Act treasurer Lance knowing full well what it was in my opinion or why give it to the treasurer? No amount of cabbage boat water can float that Not Guilty plea... As an Ex Police Minister his arrogance that he can circumvent the law needs a correction..NO MPs are not above the law nor beyond it . Shame on NZ that it did take a Private prosecution by Graham McCready helped by Penny Bright to show how the Police *accidentally* got this one wrong . Also just how protected some are, yet thankfully not all the judiciary happy about that... I trust Judge Wylie realises how much this case actually means.. It is a precedent that actually is more far reaching than just potting Banks too.. Everything connects.. Jax~. Positively Stroppy Politically Savvy Womens Group NZ (Aotearoa) 2014
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:01:09 +0000

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